I have...
I want...

$6 PayPal via the Friends and Family payment option

To those of you who are reading this now, this is something I'd like to keep separate from my flagship trading thread on this site because it's a one-off thing. Anyways, the gift copy of Epistory I have in my steam inventory was something I got during the 2021 Summer Sales when I bought myself a copy of Nanotale - Typing Chronicles by adding the Typing Journey bundle to my cart (which was cheaper than buying Nanotale by itself), and I actually legitimately need the money more than gift copies of video games right now (mostly because the biggest priority I have right now is saving up enough money to hire others to do work on a book series that will have it's first installment published... well, sometime in the future, let's say. Not even I know specifics).

Also, hey, I can throw in a tradable copy of the Payday 2 Christmas Soundtrack for free alongside Epistory. I've had that for years, and it's essentially worthless to me (and I just want to be rid of it).

3 years ago*

are you interested in TF2keys?^^ Can offer more than this price

3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.
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