Hi everybody.

It's second time, when I was scammed by fake keys, which disappeared on second day. This time it was Unepic key, game was greenlit and it was in bundle, so bundle owners received steam keys.

User KRSTRG traded Unepic keys in this topic, I got one and other trader too. Today those keys just disappered.

Other trader seen tweet from Unepic developer that some number of keys were stolen, so be carefully with trading for Unepic keys. Tweet in Spanish

I've left message for KRSTRG in steam, I have small hope that he didn't know about that and will handle this situation.

KRSTRG steam profile

My conversation with user in steamtrades_topic and in steam

Please leave your proofs and feedback in this topic.

1 decade ago*

Got scammed as well by the same guy. This is The translation of the tweet from the Developer:

  • Unepic: Today, cause of a mistake on my website, some russians have stolen 64 steam keys. This thing about giving keys is getting dangerous.
  • Marco: Can you block this keys?
  • Yes, They're already banned.

My conversation with KRSTRG on Steam: http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o214/JosmanRodriguez/Steam/UnepicSteamKey.jpg

Beware when trading with keys for this game.

1 decade ago

Since I still didn't get any response from this user, I've reported him to steamtrades support, I hope he'll be suspended soon.

1 decade ago

i was scammed by this user too, he has good rep and he is in my friendlist already, i'm waiting for him

1 decade ago

Same here. The early access key for Unepic I got from KRSTRG was delisted from my account. I have not heard anything from him since the keys were banned.

I don't expect this to be reconciled, but you can add my name to the list of the aggrieved.

Buyer beware!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.