I have...

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition (ROW) gift

I want...

TF2 keys
CS:GO keys

⚠️️IMPOSTOR ALERT⚑ https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198350341941 https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198110347666 ARE NOT ME

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition (ROW) = 11 keys

Want TF2/CS:GO keys

1 decade ago*

Hitman for
Anomaly: Warzone Earth ?!

1 decade ago


1 decade ago*

Interested in anything here for Batman?

9 years ago


9 years ago

i want skyrim, i only have cards, interested?

9 years ago


9 years ago

hi mate

do you only accept tf2 keys for BL2 UVHM?


9 years ago

Or CS GO keys... for DOTA keys it'll be 2 I'm afraid.

9 years ago

skyrim for dragon age ue gift?

9 years ago

10 tf2 keys?

7 years ago

10 CS:GO keys mebbe, 11 TF2 keys 😺

7 years ago

can i do 14 keys, 4 keys pure, 10 in items?

7 years ago

Sorry, I don't play TF2 and have no use for items, try trading them for keys or something 😸

7 years ago

Sorry just πŸ— πŸ”‘

7 years ago


11keys awwwwww

7 years ago

Wow I've heard of people sharking before, but coming to someone else's thread just to advertise your poopy black market trade is just pathetic (Π€Π”Π€)

PSA: G2A is a black market site where keys get revoked, I'm offering a tradable Steam gift with 0% chance of any problem.

Good luck advertising your poopy stolen keys though, too bad no one is buying them =s

7 years ago*

I had a good laugh

7 years ago

Thanks for the free bumps <(ΦωΦ)>

7 years ago

Would you accept Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY edition on Origin for Skyrim Legendary edition(steam)?

Here are my other list of games: [https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/aqSLr/dragon-age-inquistion-goty-edition-backblaze-online-backup-and-bundle-leftovers-keys]

7 years ago*


7 years ago

Sorry to insist, can you add me to steam?
A greeting and have a nice day

7 years ago

Hey I just wanted to let you know you have an impersonator scammer https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198350341941 he added me and tried to trade for my games.

7 years ago

Thanks for the heads up O:

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

Nope 🀷

7 years ago

Please don't link your poopy scam referral links here. The price is fixed. If you can't afford it then don't bother posting 🀷

7 years ago

just helping you out here, no one is gonna buy an overpriced product if there are much cheaper ones available
and instant-gaming is not a scam website, for someone who has 250+ reps you should know that by now
also I posted it as evidence that people are in fact selling it for less than $9

7 years ago

If you don't know the difference between a tradable ROW steam gift and stolen EU-locked grey market key resellers, then clearly you need more experience in trading. More than that, your refusal to accept someone else's terms and throwing a hissy fit over it suggest that you need more experience in life. Good luck finding trading partners with a similar maturity level as you, but unfortunately you won't find them on this thread.
Good bye πŸ–οΈ
P.S. Your link still has a referral link but I guess you couldn't comprehend what I meant by that earlier
Thanks for the free bumps 😺✌

7 years ago*

there are people like me don't worry about that, and you clearly don't know this website so I'll let that pass, and like I said I am just helping you out here, no one is gonna buy an overpriced product if there are much cheaper ones available.
you won't gain more experience in trading nor earn respect every time someone +rep you in this website, it makes you more selfish and greedy. Even if there are really greedy people in this website it doesnt mean you have to be like them

even if I comment on this thread 100+ times, people still won't buy what you are selling

Good luck.

P.S the referral link came from allkeysshop.com as thats where i compare prices in different website

7 years ago*


Keep bumping, but space it out so it doesn't make it quite so obvious you're upset you can't afford my Steam ROW gift πŸ€—

7 years ago*

thats a dumb conclusion
because ROW gift is more different thn a cd key, both will be the same in the end but one is cheaper than the other.

people tend to go with the cheaper one, thats just common sense

stop being immature and confess that I am right ..... or just act like a kid like you usually do (sry I can't take you seriously while u r using emotes)

7 years ago*

Consider this your lesson in the basics of trading and the difference between a ROW tradable steam gift (which has 0% chance of any revoking or scam) versus shady unauthorised grey market resellers with EU-region only locked steam keys (which have a significant chance of being revoked and cost less because they come from Russian/CIS retail)

At the end of the day you can get lucky with your key not being revoked, but if it does get revoked you end up paying much higher than you would have for a normal ROW tradable steam gift because you need to buy it again and again after being revoked.

More so, grey market seller keys have a significant %age originating from chargeback frauders in which case not only are you NOT supporting the developer who actually made the game which you are enjoying in the first place, but in fact it COSTS them money from credit card chargebacks. Which is why small indie developers have come out & said please just pirate our games instead of buying them on the grey market, a lost sale is one thing but we can't afford to pay for chargebacks.

Other than that, EU- region locked games always trade for less than ROW games because they are accessible to less people, with ROW gift there is no worries of Steam region locking.

Lastly, posting repeatedly in someone else's thread with low-ball offers and referral links is considered highly rude and ill-mannered but I guess you still have a lot of growing up to do both in life and in trading.

Try to have a nice day, there is no point getting this upset over something you cannot afford πŸ˜ΉπŸ‘

7 years ago*

You've got a new impostor pretending being you: https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561198110347666

7 years ago

omg, thanks for the heads up

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.