2 coal for the 50%+ coupons, 1 coal for the rest.
These are the coupons that are available for trade:

Publisher Coupons
10% Valve
25% Valve (x3)
25% Bethesda
33% Valve
33% Konami
50% Valve

Pack Coupons
33% Valve Complete pack
33% id Super Pack
50% SEGA Classics Collection

Game Coupons
60% Magicka
50% ZombieDriver
50% Left4Dead 2
50% Rock of Ages
50% Trainz Simulator 12
50% LA Noire
50% BloodBowl Legendary Edition
50% Runespell: Overture
50% Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
50% Lightfish
50% Portal2
50% Serious Sam HD: Second Encounter
50% Bunch of Heroes
50% Dino D-Day
50% Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Add me if you've got any other offers in mind.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.
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