
He is a racist that always follows my posts and comments on them, insults me. + this account of his got banned from the forum. i dont know how many days will it take to this ban gets removed
here is only one of the screenshots of the racist things that he wrote. add me for more.
he is even following me in a forum of some game
he says he never talked about a trade. here is the proof he did with his alt account (his main account got banned from the forum 1 or 2 days ago)
which leads to
which he wrote (as you can see i wrote i changed my price immediately.)
which his another alt account that he wrote -rep for me and said :
which you can see my defense with all my screenshots. go tell me ur not a coward with pretending like someone else from ur alt accounts. yup, ur definitely not a coward that you even give not remove rating to my reply with ur alt accounts lmao.

ahh and you were telling me that i delete my messages than bumping again. you are not doing it are you ? and i wanna know who started this with commenting on my profile from nowhere even i didnt know him. hmmmm... sure it wasnt you

nope you werent mate, no need to lie. we even talked after this screenshot but there is no ss in my computer i guess. but i have a conversation of us 10 min before you wrote that. so u are saying you got banned 10 minutes after that ? no need to lie mate. we all know. HE WON'T DENY lmaoooo. So you said to urself he wont deny instead of i wont deny when everyone knows that this is ur account :D naah man u cant make good lies. whatever im not gonna write anything from now on. just make sure ur discord people helps you lmao. you were even asking when my friend sold over the dream sets when someone buys them you added them and asked how much did u buy them for and how many etc etc. you are a unemployed mate that goes around the steam all the time. i hope you have a good life. bye.
KLJSHDFGHJKLSDFLJHKGJHLSKDFGJHKLSDFJKHLGSDKLJHFGLHKJSDFGKLHJ. this is when i wrote. as you can see it is 21 pm and 1 hour ago. this is when he wrote. time is 19.52 and it is 1 hour ago.
my boi tries to behave like he is brave lmao. go ask ur discord people for it than pretend like u dont care lmao. what a coward

and like i said in my reply. be original mate. dont steal everyones quotes lmao. won't deny but change every comment of his when i post a screenshots lmao womp womp

damn he is still editing his replies. what a crybaby. like i wouldnt see and people wouldnt believe me lmao

Oh so you are reporting and getting banned the person who tries to warn people about a scammer ? Dont worry, i got the screenshots. btw it was a long time ago kiddo. find something that you can prove that i am the bad one here lmao damn even prnt didnt accept what he said lmao.

blud really thought that his discord people helped him 😂

2 weeks ago* Permalink

Yup I said and did all that xD

2 weeks ago* Permalink
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