
Stay away from the scammer, he takes the key and then blocks you and can no longer contact you. It's a shame that I didn't check it on the website beforehand

1 month ago Permalink

Just scammed me out of 7 Days to Die for CSGO, after I gave him the key cuz I'm an idiot he unfriended me and ghosted

HarneySnoops (aka HarneyDooDoo)
[7:24 PM]
Hey man
you have 7 days to die?
[7:25 PM]
yeah I still do
[7:25 PM]
Awesome what would you be interested in?
btw is it a link?
[7:28 PM]
it's a steam key from humble, and do you have a list or anything?
[7:29 PM]
So I cant make it a link?
those it give the option gift to friend?
[7:29 PM]
yeah it does give me that option
[7:30 PM]
Would ya like csgo?
[7:31 PM]
yeah i'd be down for that
[7:31 PM]
Awesome so how do we proceed?
[7:32 PM]
what form you got csgo in?
[7:32 PM]
A key
[7:32 PM]
right on I haven't gifted from humble before lemme see right quick
[7:32 PM]
Yeah please use the button
gift to friend lel
If possible
[7:32 PM]
ye it made it a link
[7:33 PM]
[7:33 PM]
you know if I should just copy and paste that url or click it?
[7:33 PM]
Copie and paste it
[7:33 PM]
[7:33 PM]
Whats ya mean?
[7:33 PM]
[7:34 PM]
let me claim it
[7:41 PM]
[7:56 PM]
yo still there?
[8:46 PM]
ay man come on, this is real shitty

5 years ago Permalink

Scammer, we agree to trade two games from me and one from him.Change the trade after i trade the first game and after he got second game dissapear and unfriend/block me

5 years ago Permalink

He is a scam, he stole 2 Steam Keys from me and then blocked me

Here is a photo of Chat:

Originaler Chat:

23:06 HarneySnoops: Möchten Sie NieR: Automate für Mafia 3 und Deus Ex
23:07 HarneySnoops: Ich Benutze Google-Traduction
23:07 Xhetoa: Ja wollte ich mir auch sowieso kaufen
23:07 Xhetoa: yes okay
23:07 HarneySnoops: Do you speak french or english ore Spanish?
23:08 Xhetoa: englich and germany
23:08 Xhetoa: 4T7MA-XFJXB-83P9L -Mafia
23:09 Xhetoa: 4PH5G-N259Z-MT2GD -Mafia
23:09 Xhetoa: 4REGW-IIGPQ-V6IKE - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
23:09 HarneySnoops: Mafia 3 funktioniert nicht es sagt, es funktioniert nicht in meinem Land
23:10 Xhetoa: mist kann ich dir dann vlt noch was anders anbieten ?
23:11 Xhetoa: Grand Theft Auto: Vitce City
23:11 Xhetoa: Grand Theft Auto III
23:11 Xhetoa: RaidersSphere4th
23:11 HarneySnoops: grand theft auto 3 please
23:11 Xhetoa: ok
23:11 Xhetoa: QBY2W-N4M58-9NY5C
23:12 HarneySnoops: hat den Status gewechselt zu. Offline

Translator in english:

23:06 HarneySnoops: Would you like NieR: Automate for Mafia 3 and Deus Ex
23:07 HarneySnoops: I use Google Traduction
23:07 Xhetoa: Yes, I wanted to buy it anyway
11:07 pm Xhetoa: yes okay
23:07 HarneySnoops: Do you speak french or english ore Spanish?
23:08 Xhetoa: English and Germany
23:08 Xhetoa: 4T7MA-XFJXB-83P9L -Mafia
23:09 Xhetoa: 4PH5G-N259Z-MT2GD -Mafia
23:09 Xhetoa: 4REGW-IIGPQ-V6IKE - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
11:09 PM HarneySnoops: Mafia 3 doesn't work it says it doesn't work in my country
23:10 Xhetoa: crap can I offer you something else?
23:11 Xhetoa: Grand Theft Auto: Vitce City
23:11 Xhetoa: Grand Theft Auto III
23:11 Xhetoa: RaidersSphere4th
11:11 PM HarneySnoops: grand theft auto 3 please
23:11 Xhetoa: ok
23:11 Xhetoa: QBY2W-N4M58-9NY5C
11:12 PM HarneySnoops: has changed status to. Offline

6 years ago* Permalink

Sent him a key for DS2, he then proceeded to block me. Proof here:

6 years ago Permalink

Report this shit on steam for scamming attempts.

Check his profile

Press ''More'' and ''Report Violation''

6 years ago Permalink

100% scammer here as many others have said.

Will insist on you initiating and point to his rep and trades on his Steam Profile.

All a load of BS of course.

You can't trust this one as far as you can throw him, which I imagine is impossible to do.

I'm insinuating he's a fat waste.

6 years ago Permalink

Another key scammed by him. DS3 this time. Again.

6 years ago Permalink

+rep good trader tk for the game

6 years ago Permalink

Just stole a Dark Souls III humble bundle gift key from me. Same story that other users have posted here. After receiving the link, user blocked me. You can see he has multiple accounts.

6 years ago Permalink

Same as most of the others, he has another account, but its the same guy. Wanted me to send a gift link of Rise of the Tomb Raider, I did and he then blocked me. Checked this account and he basically admitted it then blocked me. Crook.

6 years ago* Permalink

Same story as most people below. He offered me trade that I was after for a game and then got the key and blocked me. My fault for not checking this low life out properly but please be warned, do not trade with him - he will take your game and leave you with nothing if he gets a chance.

6 years ago Permalink

Tk for Hearts of Iron 4 I sent first the payment and then he sent the game key enjoy

6 years ago Permalink

+rep sold him a copie of NBA 2K 17 for strongold crusader kings 2

6 years ago Permalink

this guy is a legit scammer. he wants you to go first and runs away...
the people below me already provided screenshots, so

6 years ago Permalink

This guy's a scumbag. Him and chinookdog are the same person. Look at Snoop's Steam name history:

I left my review on Snoop's other account (chinookdog).

6 years ago Permalink

Kinda same story as user Often. We agreed to trade NBA 2K17 for money via paypal. I told him money first but since I never traded before he didn't trust me, and looking at his page and all +reps I regretfully decided to go first. After I sent him the key he blocked me. This was 5th august (its august 10 when im writing this review and no money has been sent). So yeah, SCAMMER! If you ever gonna trade with this lowlife then let him go first, no exceptions.
You have been warned.

6 years ago Permalink

I got scammed by this guy. We were set to trade my NBA2k17 for PLAYERUNKOWNS BATTLEGROUND, he said okay let me buy a copy, he then proceeds to ask me : "do you want to initiate the trade first?" I checked his steam profile and I saw that he had over 40 pages of people saying hes a good trader +rep, so with that in mind I sent him the link for my game knowing that he seems to be well trusted guy..

I was wrong.


He then says ok let me check, and 3 mins later I see that he blocks me and scores my game.


His +rep on his profile are fake, this guy is top grade scumbag.

Be careful.

6 years ago* Permalink

+rep. Good trade. Not sure why those fake profiles neg rep him on here. :)

7 years ago Permalink

+rep good trader tk for the game

7 years ago* Permalink

They attempted to sell a new game key for a large batch of cards, always requires other trader to go first, scrubs all negative comments off his profile, refuses to voice negotiate, and has been reported multiple times through Steam customer service with many Red Flags by Valve. No clue why this account isn't permabanned by now. Search SteamID 76561198055670674 on Google, Valve has already flagged his account and multiple other sites track him as a scammer.

7 years ago* Permalink

Please provide proof, I never scammed you and my key is legit what makes you think I was going to scamme you please add me back but please don't desstroy my reputation

7 years ago* Permalink

+rep nice and fast trader

7 years ago Permalink
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