3 years ago*

Interested in anything on my list perhaps?

3 years ago


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3 years ago

For something here?

3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

It has come to my attention that you might have received a free steam key from the user gameworks (https://www.steamtrades.com/user/76561199103606370) and been asked to vote for a legitimate negative review to be removed from his account.
You seem like an honest trader, so I would appreciate if you change the review you left on his steamtrades account to reflect the actual transaction you had with him, and if he did ask you to vote for my review to be removed from his account, preferably change it to a negative review as I genuinely feel that his behavior has justified it.
This user lied to me in multiple different ways to trick me into selling games to him, and at a lower price than I otherwise would have. I left him negative rep along with chat logs. I would have left it at that, but then he started at least 6 giveaway threads where he would give people a free steam key and ask them to vote to have his negative reputation removed. He gained at least 50 +rep this way as well. I see no reason why anyone would do this unless they wanted a completely clean steamtrades reputation so they could scam again.

I know you are probably just happy that you got a free game, but please think about the impact this has on the community. When people abuse the system like this, rep becomes useless.

Below are the chat logs from the original trade. If you are no longer friends with gameworks and want to see your own chat log you can find it on: https://help.steampowered.com/en/accountdata/GetFriendMessagesLog

Chat logs proving that he is not trustworthy: https://imgur.com/a/CfqoJsu
Proof that he has asked people to vote to remove his negative rep: https://imgur.com/a/7iFLkgb
Giveaway threads: https://imgur.com/a/k1RA5ez

This is the rep I left for him:
"-REP. Liar, manipulator, scammer. Told him I don't deal with resellers, and that he should activate my keys immediately. He says he's not a retrader and will do as we agree. He hides his games list and posts screenshots that aren't his own as "proof" that he activated them. He uses his alt account (or maybe friend) Resnick/Hamblo (steam ID: 76561198987439769) for fake prices and then edits the thread after we trade (see screenshot). Hamblo/Resnick added me before (maybe a few months ago) about the same two games (he wanted to resell). I tried adding Resnick/Hamblo again to ask him about this guy, but he just blocked me. Go figure.
His account is only 4 months old and leveled to appear trustworthy as well. Obviously an alt.
Chat log and screenshot of the thread by Hamblo/Resnick (conveniently edited on the same day):

3 years ago


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3 years ago*

Closed 3 years ago.