something here: Anything from here?
Some I already own and the rest don't spark my interest, sorry. Have a nice day though! :)
hi, you can choose 1 FREE game of my giveaway list:
Anything here for Super House of Dead Ninjas + DLC.
Sorry but will have to decline this offer. Thks for taking the time to read this.
Man, you guys really like to guard these games like little gold nuggets. Both were purchased for nickels, the trade would have been fair. And in the spirit of barter, next time try to make another offer. Just saying, bud.
Hi do you need any of my games?
I didn't find anything I would like to play in the list. But since I am having such a nice weekend(and wanting to pass the joy) I am going to just give you the game you are interested from my batch. Add me the first chance you get. :p something for warhammer?
This War of Mine, of course, sparked my attention. But I don't think you'll be willing to trade it. If interested in the barter you can choose another game from my list to balance it out.
hi, something here for Sonic Mania?
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is the stand out for me, not quite sure you'll be willing to trade it. You may choose another game from my list to balance it out. :p
added you - would trade Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 for
Sonic Mania and Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
edit. thanks!
Anything here for Sonic Mania?
Hi interested in something here?
Juanito Arcade Mayhem?
Hello! :) Would you trade Binary Domain for it? It looks like such a cool shooter, I've heard of it before but never actually got to play it. :) If the answer is yes, send an invite.
Most of them I already own, the rest I have no interest in. I am sorry. Have a good day though! :)
Damn, lots of little gems to find in this post!
I'd love to trade for these games:
Concrete Jungle
The Spiral Scouts
Avernum 3: Ruined World
and maybe these:
Super House of Dead Ninjas
OPUS: The Day We Found Earth
Ice Lakes
Hopefully you'll find something interesting here so we can trade :D
Heya back at you! :) I am sorry, I looked though the list but I didn't find anything. What I don't already own I am not interested in. And just as a tiny bit of advice, try to link the games to their official pages. It will be less of a chore to peruse such a long list. :p
Have a great day, bud! :D
Good call, although that's gonna take some time (+ I have the feeling the wordlimit is gonna spoil it, but I'll give it a try :P)
Too bad you couldn't find anything you liked, I'll get back to you when I get new stuff :3
Cya around!
Hi interested in something here?
Roombo: First Blood?
Hello! I am really interested in Tyranny, of course that would mean a 2:1 trade(if anything else sparks your interest on my list). But if you are not OK with this The Town of Light would suffice for CJ. :)
Can't find anything else I like. But I am ok with my "The Town of Light" in exchange for your "Concrete Jungle". I will add you in Steam so we can continue trading there. :-)
Hi do you need any of my games?
Hello! :) If you haven't updated your list since the last time I checked it, nothing is of interest to me. Sorry! :(
I am sorry, but I have no interest in the game. I had it and gave it in a trade. :(
Something for Avernum Opus and Super ninjas?
This War of Mine is the only game of interest to me, just like last time you asked for a trade. If you are willing to trade you'll get a 1-3 deal. If not, in advance I wish you a fine day. :)
not op (and this is an old comment) but if you want this war of mine i have an extra key lol
you can just have it if we can't find a trade (i dont seem to have any of the games on your current wishlist)
What a peculiar comment. :) I have no interest in playing TWOM at the moment nor would I accept it for free(if that is what you are suggesting). Let me know what games hold your attention from my collection and I'll look over your list, do a proper trade. :P
Ah I wasn't really implying anything, it's just, I have a spare key for it and you seemed to be looking for it. My list of games is here and I am mildly interested in golf with your friends, katamari damacy reroll, superhot, the witness, cook serve delicious 3, and metro exodus. no worries if there's not a suitable trade, i really don't need my extra this war of mine so you can have it in any case if you still were looking for it haha
Anything for Kind words?
Something for Neptunia Shooter in here?
hi there interested in :
Trillion: God of Destruction
Moero Chronicle
Neptunia Shooter
Ice Lakes
maybe few others..
for something very reasonnable (please consider List II for some of them):
I am going to be very frank, the second list is filled with low tier games I have no interest in. Even less in actually reading the whole thing without some links. From the first list only Dead Rising 2: Off the Record and One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 spark my interest. If you are willing to trade at least one, you might get more games that you were expecting. Reasonable trader all the way! :)
check the games i picked, and check the games you ask for! you are talking like the game i listed here aren't low tiers? all tier 1 games with no exception! so thanks for your offer but i have to pass!
I am sorry, but I am going to say no. Going through a list so big just makes my brain go on lockdown instantly. Have a nice day though!
Something of here for Neptunia Shooter or Wings VI?
[W] Beckett
Hi! That's a pretty fantastic list of games you have there, so I expect you aren't willing to trade most of them for a game this cheap. So, A Short Hike or Hidden Folks seem to be adequate here. Part with one of these and we have a deal. :)
Are you interested in anything
The trade is fair, but since I am not a hoarder I only want games I actually intend on playing. Sorry.
[W] Neptunia Shooter
Mini Thief
Crayon Chronicles
Avenger Bird
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite
Into the Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition
Cursed Sight
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded
Zero Gear
Blockwick 2
Super Panda Adventures
Planet Alcatraz
The Crow's Eye
Pony Island
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
Face It - A game to fight inner demons
The Barbarian and the Subterranean Caves
Voxel Warfare Online
Sentience: The Android's Tale
Stardust Vanguards
Just Ignore Them
Super Trench Attack!
One Last Chance
Dungeon Escape
Let's go with Blockwick 2, it looks to be fun. :) Add me the first chance you get. :p
Anything here?
Interested in Shenmue and/or SYNTHETIK
Hi! :) How about Seasons after Fall for Synthetik? Add me if you're ok with it.
Hi interested in something here?
Shenmue I & II
11-11 Memories Retold?
I am sorry, but my interest lies in games. Thank you for the offer tho. Have a nice day! :)
I already refused a similar offer. I see you have Little Nightmares and Tyranny, I would agree for one of those. If not, have a nice day! :p
Are you interested in anything
Thank you for the offer, but no. Also, you should consider attaching some links in there. Would make it more easy to browse the list. :p
I see you already have it in your list, no point in doing a trade. Also, there's nothing of interest to me.
Something here for Wings of vi?
hi, i am interested in wings of vi
hi! something for my time in portia?
Do any of these interest you for My Time At Portia (trying to get it for my mom ^_^)?
Tom Clancy's The Division (Ubi)
Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival (Ubi)
AER Memories of Old
Battle Chef Brigade
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
Tales of Berseria
Destiny 2 Planet of Peace Exclusive Emblem (not steam)
Moon Hunters
Tomb Raider
Seasons After Fall
Pillars of Eternity
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
The Escapists DLC: Alcatraz
Some I already own, the rest I have no interest in playing. Sorry! :p But don't worry, there are plenty who want to trade it at the moment. Good luck getting this as a gift to you mom(so sweet!). :)
Delisted Games & DLCs: