Hi there, Viper. We meet again!
Thanks for the offer, but I’m firm on the price.
Hi, Jack.
Hope you’re having a good day.
I have a couple of offers for 1 TF2 key, but I’m firm on 1.5. I appreciate your offer!
I understand. I have a counter-offer. Looking at your inventory, I can do one Team Fortress 2 key, and four Snakebite cases from Counter-Strike. That would be the exact equivalent of one Team Fortress 2 key and one Tour of Duty ticket, or 1.5 TF2.
Hi, Ali.
How’s it going?
I can do it for 2,000 gems. It currently goes for seventy-five cents in key shops, and two sacks of gems costs about the same.
Hello there.
I was thinking like 1200 Gems. since 2000 Gems is like 70 cent so not much difference of price.
Yeah. That’s true, I guess. Well, in that case, I can do 1,500. I think it’s fair. You can add me on Steam, and I will send over the key.
By the way, I was looking at your Steam profile, and wow! You’ve 100-percented almost all of the mainline Resident Evil games. That’s just impressive! Kudos.
My list:
Interested in:
Airborne Kingdom
Hi there.
Thanks for the offer! From your list, I’m interested in This War of Mine. I can give you Airborne Kingdom in exchange. If that sounds fair, please add me on Steam so we can discuss this more.
hello! can y be interested in something for jusant?
How’s it going?
Thanks so much for the offer! I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything I’m interested in. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy would have worked (although its value is a bit higher, and I’d have to make up for it somehow), but I’m not in Europe.
Thanks again, and I hope you have a nice day!
Remnant 2 against something on my list?
Hi, stranger with an interesting username. (:
I’d be interested in my Remnant II and Ghostrunner 2 for your BioShock: The Collection. If that sounds good to you, you can me on Steam, and we’ll discuss details.
Thanks for your offer, by the way. I appreciated it. Have a great night!
Hey, I am interested in High on Life and Ghostrunner 2.
Something for them:
Hey, Lucky.
How’s it going? (:
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything I’m interested in, but I really appreciated the offer.
I’m currently looking for A Plague Tale: Innocence, and I’m offering Team Fortress 2 keys, but I understand you don’t accept Steam market items. I would offer Ghostrunner 2 for it (as I’m mostly leaning toward keeping High on Life for myself), but that might not be fair to you.
Again, thanks so much for your offer. Have a really nice day!
Edit: I forgot to mention. It looks like your Fallout 1 copy may have expired!
Hi again.
Please let me know if you’d be interested in my High on Life for your A Plague Tale: Innocence.
Thanks. Have a good day.
Interested in anything here?:
Hello, I want game "Talk to Strangers", in return I can offer something from my list:
Hi there,
I would like to know if you're interested in trading:
[H] Little Nightmares
[W] Jusant
Thank you.
Hey there, Marvesco.
How’s it going? (:
From your list, I’m only interested in Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. I can give you two (2) copies of Remnant II for it. (Note that it is an ROW key.) You can also purchase Remnant II with Team Fortress 2 keys. Please see this thread for price, and add me on Steam if you’d like to proceed with the trade.
Thank you very much for the offer, by the way. I appreciated it. I hope you have a nice day!
P.S. On your list, you’ve misspelled Scholar in the Dark Souls II title as Scholars (plural). That might prevent people from finding it.
Oh yeah, you're right. Thanks for pointing it out. However, I am not sure I want it for DS2 for that tho. I also just realized that you already have Little Nightmares, sorry about that
You are most welcome! You know, as I was typing out my offer, it occurred to me that Dark Souls II, even though it might be the same price as two Remnant IIs, feels more valuable. And so I completely understand why you’d rather not go through with that deal. It makes perfect sense. I feel the same about some of the games that I have, although my list isn’t quite as lengthy—or as impressive—as yours. (:
Thanks again for your kind messages. I do hope we get to trade some day. Much love. :3
I have to say your list itself is quite impressive. There are some great games there like Dragon's Dogma and Disco. I do hope we can have a trade in the near future tho. Good luck and thank you for your kind words!
That’s very kind of you. Also, congratulations on reaching 400 positive reviews! That’s incredible! Hopefully, I’ll get there one day. :D
hi, your darktide for any 3 dollars game you want with steam gift, i based in france so its global game
hi, something from ?
Hey there, DrigoRJ.
How are you doing? (:
Thank you very much for the interest. I didn’t find much that I could trade Persona 4 Golden for, but I appreciated both your neatly organized list and also your polite message. If you get more games, please let me know, and I will gladly look at your list again. Looking forward to trading with you one day.
Have a great one!
Hey, BlackoutMenace.
How are you today? (:
Not really? :D Maybe Gotham Knight? What do you think? Thanks for the interest, by the way.
Something from this list for 7 days ,forte , nioh , , mafia series , persona 4 , Spyro , Sonic mania , remnant , quantum?
Hey, Marcox.
Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday. (:
I thought of some possible trades, granted your keys are global. Let me know what you think.
The other games you mentioned, I didn’t find much on your list that I could trade them for, but I appreciated the offer.
I just realized that it would be way cheaper to buy Dirt Rally 2.0 on sale directly on Steam—$1.99, actually. I initially thought the game had been delisted like the original Dirt Rally. I wholeheartedly apologize for the inconvenience, and for wasting your time. I also may not have Remnant II anymore, as I’ve offered it in another trade. I’d be happy to go through with the first offer, so please let me know if that works for you. Perfectly fine if not.
Thanks so much for your time.
Im not interested to go with first offer sorry. And dirt rally 2.0 for 1,99 $ ? Where ? Im never saw this price
Looking for Persona 4, here's my list-
Interested in MB Warband, and metro redux bundle? they are steam gifts
I want a fair offer
Hey there, TR23.
What’s up? (:
Unfortunately, I have no use for Steam gifts. They tend to be overpriced, which makes sense because they are collector’s items, but I simply want to play games. I recommend using, if you’re not already.
Good luck.
What do you want for them? How many TF keys I also got a few leftovers.
Many of the games I would be interested in—Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, et cetera—are region locked to Latin America, unfortunately. Hi-Fi Rush, since it was challenging to obtain and it’s also very much sought after, I’m going to hold on to until I get a really good offer. Ghostrunner, I could do for Coral Island and High on Life, but I don’t know if that would be fair to you. Either way, thank you very much for the interest. I appreciated it. (:
P.S. I have a thread for selling games. I don’t actually intend to sell the games, and that’s why the prices are absurdly high. However, if you’re really eager to buy something, I guess we can work something out.
They're are not exactly region locked in LATAM because I haven't redeem them yet, so I could change it to any region I please.
My main interest is Hi-Fi Rush but I could do Ghostrunner 1x1 as well.
Could you please elaborate? I’m not quite well versed in Humble Bundle. I went off of this Steam Gifts thread, which—in the case of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide—says that if you’re a Humble Choice subscriber in Latin America (Chile included), you’ll receive this particular sub ID for the game. Is that not the case for you, and how so?
If Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is, in fact, a worldwide key, AKA sub/807591, and you can confirm that, then I’d be happy to exchange my Ghostrunner for it.
Anything on my list for a plague tale innocence:
Hey there, AccountVerified.
Thanks for the interest. Would you do High on Life and Dirt Rally? Granted you know where they came from (Humble Bundle, for example).
I have little nightmares + DLC
anything you can trade from here
Hello again, TR23.
Unfortunately, I don’t have Little Nightmares Secrets of the Maw Expansion Pass anymore, but Little Nightmares is still available. I’d be willing to exchange it for your Evil Within Bundle (which likely doesn’t include the second game—only the first one and three DLCs). Let me know if that works for you.
HI, I saw that you have this on your "want" so I would like to trade my Little Nightmares 1 + Maw Expansion DLC in exchange a game from you with my wishlist " wants" game
Right! Sorry for the misunderstanding. :D I’m currently good with Little Nightmares, but thanks for the offer!
Hiya! Anything from MY TRADE LIST for gotham knights and jusant? If not, how much for the key? Let me know. Thank you!! :)
Heya, SadPartridge.
What’s up? (:
Nothing on your list I’d trade Jusant for, but you can purchase Gotham Knights for two Team Fortress 2 keys or eleven sacks of gems. I understand the price may be higher than what the game usually goes for, but I prefer to get game offer. No need to respond if the offer doesn’t interest you.
Have a nice day!
Hiya, I'm doing good! How many tf2 keys would you do jusant for?? Or ref or somethin?
I’m glad. (:
I’m not looking to sell Jusant at the moment, as it was difficult to obtain. I’d rather trade it (alongside other games) for something on my wishlist. But I’ve seen other lists with Jusant in them. You might have more luck with those.
That's okay!! What would you do for Remnant II, Quantum Break, and/or High on Life? I'm interested in those even more!
Cool! All of them are amazing games, especially Quantum Break. (I’m a huge Remedy fan!)
Well, I only one copy of each, so, like I said, I really prefer game offers. :D If I sell them now for gems or Team Fortress 2 keys (which I don’t have a use for at the moment), then I won’t have much to trade with. I do have a thread specifically for selling games, but all the prices are absurdly high because—as I note at the bottom—“I don’t really intend to sell these” haha. If you’re really eager to buy all the ones you mentioned and you don’t mind overpaying in TF2 keys, I guess we can hop on Steam to discuss and come up with a more reasonable price, but only if you want all of them. Personally, though, I don’t think that would be fair to you. If you keep on looking, I’m sure you’ll find better offers!
I definitely understand that and whatnot, I'd rather do game trades too but unfortunately most of my games aren't super high prices.. You probably have a lot of the ones I already own so I'd rather do a game trade firsthand.. instead of paying out of pocket. I can get more keys here soon and contact you, if you'd like me to?
I'd rather do a game trade firsthand.. instead of paying out of pocket.
Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. It makes the most sense.
I can get more keys here soon and contact you, if you'd like me to?
I do a bit of searching around when I get bored. :D I’ll take another look at your thread in a while. Or you can ping me again. I have a strict taste in games, but we’ll see if we can come up with a trade we’re both happy with. I do want to say, though, I very much appreciate your kind and thoughtful messages. The fact you took the time to read what I wrote and answer appropriately . . . not that common. (: Thank you, and have a really nice day!
I definitely understand it isn't common, especially anywhere on the internet haha but of course! Look through my list and see if anything catches your eye, if not we can figure out something eventually. Thank you again, you've been the best!:)
Hello, are you still interested in Dishonored and A Plague Tale on GOG? for 3000 gems total as per your list.
Oh sorry, I didn't read you offer correctly 😅
I am not really interested in getting more copies. Sorry.
Also I have seen you around here a lot and you seem like a great trader. Hope we do a trade in the future!
I had a feeling that was the case haha. It’s totally okay! Honestly, if I had gems right now, I would’ve loved to help you out. I usually end up giving away these GOG games because I rarely get any offers for them. If you’d like either of them, feel free to add me on Steam, and I’ll forward you the key—just as a gift, no strings attached.
Also I have seen you around here a lot and you seem like a great trader. Hope we do a trade in the future!
You’re very kind! I look forward to us trading too. Have a wonderful week!
Something from my list for coral island?
Hey, Moad.
Mine is a global key—sub/467393. It came via the May 2024 Humble Choice. However, I’m currently reserving it for a pending trade. If that deal falls through, and if you’re interested by then, I’ll take another look at your list of games. (PayPal is not an option for me, sadly.)
Best of luck to you!
Sure, I can wait. Please let me know what interests you if the deal falls through
I just traded away Persona 4 Golden haha. Mine was actually a global key (sub/447635), so it would have worked for you.
P.S. I recommend checking Humble Choice games for region locks on Steam Gifts forums. Alternatively, you can look up games on, look under bundles, and then find the appropriate Steam Gifts thread.
hello! here are all the games i have available to trade, let me know if you are interested in trading for any of these games.
Doomer (Steam)
Tsunagari Chess School (Steam)
Mineral Defense (Steam)
Bookwalker (Steam)
Lost Eidolons (Steam)
Overcast - Walden and the werewolf (Steam)
Mall Manager (Steam)
Hive Jump 2 (GOG)
Monster Train (GOG)
Dishonored Definitive (GOG)
Close to the Sun (GOG)
2x Moonlighter codes (GOG)
Hi, Gusthewizard.
How have you been, friend? Good to see you here. (:
Nothing jumps out at me, unfortunately, but thanks for the offer. Keep up the good work, by the way! You’re doing great!
Hey there!
I have the games below, anything for your Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy?
DOOM (2016)
Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster
Hey, pedrocarvalho94
How are you doing? (:
I’d love to do it for Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster. If that works for you, please add me on Steam, and we’ll proceed further.
Have a nice day/evening!
Unfortunately, that wouldn’t work either. Hi-Fi Rush is something I might keep for myself, so it has to be a very tempting offer. Thank you, though.
Hey, DakkanRoze.
Good to see you again. (:
It’s best to post your offer in tgaw34’s own thread. Per the site’s guidelines,
Do not hijack another user’s trade for your own benefit, and keep your trades in their appropriate topics.
Hey! what's up?
How are the trades?
My bad, sorry but only has netunia published, you are right I will delete the comment
I’ve personally done that before, back when I was first starting out. :D It’s all good! Hope you’ve been all right!
Hijacking posts ew.
On a separate note are you still interested in spirit of the north for hotline miami? @nexgen
I needed Spirit of the North for another deal, but sadly, it fell through. I’ll hit you up if I need it again. It doesn’t come with a redemption deadline, that is, it’s not from the recent Fanatical giveaway, right?
It's from fanatical yeah but the deadline is for keys to be revealed. The key itself never expires that's why lots of resellers still buy intravenous keys even tho it was a fanatical one few months back.
I did not know the expiration date applied only to revealed keys. That’s good to know! Thanks.
I have half life2 , half life 2 episode 1 , axyos , 100% orange juice
do you want?
Hey, ItsPainRevived.
Fortunately, I got Half-Life 2 and both of its episodes during the twentieth anniversary, so I’m good. The other games you mentioned, I have no interest in, but thank you for the offer.
Have a good one!
any fair for Yakuza 3 Remastered?
Hello again, DakkanRoze.
Nothing, unfortunately, but thanks for the offer. Have an awesome day!
Hi, makaveddie.
How’s it going? (:
I actually offered it up to someone in exchange for Risk of Rain 2, although I haven’t gotten a response yet. Would you be willing to do that trade?
Thanks for the offer, by the way, and for the interest. I appreciated it.
Hey, jainluv147.
How are you today? (:
Can you elaborate how that works? I’m not quite familiar with NVIDIA stuff. Also, please let me know if you have any concrete offers.
Thanks. Have a good one!
Hello, MountTai.
Hope you’re doing all right today. (:
I don’t see a possible trade, unfortunately. Sifu isn’t currently high on my wishlist, and the two games you mentioned, I’m holding out for bigger offers.
Thank you for the internet, though. I appreciated it. Have a nice day, and I hope we trade someday!
Hi there, Skittle077.
How’s it going? (:
F1 2020 isn’t currently for sale, but thank you very much for the interest. Have a good one!
I have Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Digital Premium Edition (Steam) Nvidia coupon code.
Interested in tf2 keys
Hello, EviaaL.
What’s up? (:
First off, thank you so much for the offer. Much appreciated! Unfortunately, I don’t have the necessary hardware to activate the promo code, but if you can help with the redemption process, we might be able to reach a deal. Please add me on Steam so we can discuss this further.
Have a great day!
Added you on Steam
Basically i believe you just have to activate the code on Nvidia page, will check the instruction
Hey! I have a gog key for Overcooked! Gourmet Edition, do u accept for High on Life or SIFU?
Thanks =D
Oi! :D
How are you doing, Patroviskeeee?
I rarely game on GOG. :( Steam is my preferred platform. But thank you for the offer! I hope you’re able to find both those games. They’re amazing!
Have a wonderful day!
Well, first off, I’m glad you got the joke. :D I was worried you might take that the wrong way. I always mean well. (: Secondly, it might be rare, but hopefully, more people will follow suit. A little kindness can go a long way.
Daily reminder: It’s easy to forget there are real people behind the screens. Be kind.
Behind every profile picture is a human being with feelings, and your words can have a profound effect on their mental and emotional well-being. You never know what someone might be going through. Please treat everyone with kindness, empathy, and respect.
Listen to some tunes while you browse. Trading doesn’t always have to be all business. (:
Song of the day: Agape
My motto: Make friends first, make sales second, make love third. In no particular order. :D
Last updated March 11, 2025
Please beware of impersonators. Always check the SteamID and profile and make sure they match with Steam Trades.
Don’t fall prey to scammers. Take a moment to check out A Beginner’s Guide to Safe and Smart Trading.
Epic Games Store
I’m willing to offer TF2 keys, alongside my games, for the stuff in my want list.
Looking to purchase games with TF2 keys?
See thread.
Previous songs shared
See thread.
Keywords: Team Fortress 2 key; TF2 key; Tour of Duty ticket; TOD; B4B; Doom 2; Ghostrunner II; Hitman: GOTY; Hitman 1: GOTY; Hitman 1: Game of the Year Edition; Legion TD2; Little Nightmare
Market items
Offers are welcome.
Keywords: B4B; Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY; Batman: Arkham City GOTY; BioShock Collection; Call of Duty: Black Ops 2; Call of Duty: Black Ops 3; Coffee Talk 2; Control Standard Edition; Crusader Kings 3; Dark Souls 2; Dark Souls 3; Death Stranding Director Cut; Doom + Doom II; Doom Ultimate; Doom 2; GOTG; Grand Theft Auto II; Hellblade 2; Helldivers II; Hitman: GOTY; Hitman 1: GOTY; Hitman 1: Game of the Year Edition; Little Nightmare; Nioh: Complete Edition; Nioh 2: Complete Edition; Remnant 2; Resident Evil 4 Remake; RE4; RE4 Remake; RE4R; Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1; Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2; Warhammer 40K: Darktide; Warhammer 40000: Darktide; Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2; Warhammer 40000: Space Marine 2; Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2; Warhammer 40,000: Space Marines 2; Warhammer 40000: Space Marines 2
Feel free to check out my other threads.
Please note
Thank you.