Hello. Anything here for Summer In Mara?
Hi. I'm interested in Escape Simulator. Would you be interested in trading it for one of these?
Everdream Valley
Gordian Quest
Ikonei Island
Hello! Would you trade your spare Garden Story with Inertial Drift from your WL?
Or maybe some games from my list to exchange with it?
I have a Microsoft key for DOOM Eternal that expires very soon, since you're interested in games to play for your own enjoyment would you like to trade for it?
Hi, for Yonder cloud catcher chronicles?
My list:
My barter:
Thanks for looking! :)
Hello, one of these steam gifts for your Escape Simulator?
Hiya! Anything from MY TRADE LIST for Cursed Castillia? If not, how much for the key? Let me know. Thank you!! :)
Not at all! The value is a little off since it's that premium edition with all of the dlc. I was super interested in Yonder too but then if you added that. The value would be off again lol. Is there another game from my list you would throw in there?
How about this:
Ratz Instagib + Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
Crime Boss: Rockay City + Frostpunk + Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Hmm possibly!! I don't have crime boss just yet since I'm waiting for that key.. would you just do Hardspace and Frostpunk for those 2 right now? If not it's okay. Frostpunk does expire at the end of the year.
Hello, I am interested in your copy of The Wild at Heart. I have the following from your wishlist that I am willing to offer: Biped, Children of Morta: Complete Edition, Doors: Paradox, Element TD 2-TD, HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED, Journey to the Savage Planet, LEGO The Incredibles, Synth Riders and Trail Out. You can choose whatever you like best to match the values.
If you see a possible exchange please let me know, thank you. 🖖🏻
I looked through your list and found 2 trades I would like to offer to make it balanced in total:
Against the Storm + Exodus Borealis
The Wild at Heart
Escape Simulator
SKALD: Against the Black Priory
Would that work for you?
Please read my notes before commenting.
My barter account:
I made this thread as an attempt to receive games, which I actually want to PLAY! I don't want trade them, I want simply PLAY games :) So basically I will compare the prices of offered and demanded games, mixed with how strongly I want to play the game. Then I will decide if it's a fair deal in my eyes.
Games I have/offer [H]
The game keys I offer are from official shops like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming, etc. I never buy on inofficial sites. My keys are also not traded before.
Friend requests
PLEASE no friend adding or requesting before we didn't agree on in this thread.
Trade process
Depending on importancy of trade and reputation of trade partner, we can decide on who goes first.
My Wishlist/Wanted [W]
The games in my wishlist are the ones I filtered from Steam over the years, but there might be some I like which I don't know or haven't listed, so feel free to come up with offers - unless they are obvious bad games (I refer to Steam review results. I am not interested in any game under "Mostly Positive", so please don't offer anything in these categories). Coop games with very good reviews have a good chance :)
[STEAM - Direct gift via Steam]
[STEAM - Keys (The game keys I offer are from official shops like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming, etc. I never buy on inofficial sites. My keys are also not traded before.)]
Other Stuff
If you don't have anything to trade you can send me a gift for my Steam Wallet, too.
If you prefer looking through my wishlist here it is:
Same notes as above. If you managed to scroll down here without reading them here is my service for you :)
Please read my notes before commenting.
My barter account:
I made this thread as an attempt to receive games, which I actually want to PLAY! I don't want trade them, I want simply PLAY games :) So basically I will compare the prices of offered and demanded games, mixed with how strongly I want to play the game. Then I will decide if it's a fair deal in my eyes.
Games I have/offer [H]
The game keys I offer are from official shops like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Green Man Gaming, etc. I never buy on inofficial sites. My keys are also not traded before.
Friend requests
PLEASE no friend adding or requesting before we didn't agree on in this thread.
Trade process
Depending on importancy of trade and reputation of trade partner, we can decide on who goes first.
My Wishlist/Wanted [W]
The games in my wishlist are the ones I filtered from Steam over the years, but there might be some I like which I don't know or haven't listed, so feel free to come up with offers - unless they are obvious bad games (I refer to Steam review results. I am not interested in any game under "Mostly Positive", so please don't offer anything in these categories). Coop games with very good reviews have a good chance :)