does the street fighter 30th anniversary have restrictions? in which country you buy?
Probably, but I am not certain about the locks, which is why I will be going first.
Well, only a key bought in North America(us,ca) will work for me, otherwise it won't work, so you don't know which country the key is from?
Yeah I don't know, but I think it should work if that was your region, and as I said I will go first so we can only do the trade after you confirm that it worked for you.
I'm just worried what will happen if it doesn't work, you can trade it for another person?; my region very specific 99% keys dont work that why i am asking, i just read that us key is row; i try next offer 1 tf2 key?
i am interested in The Walking Dead: The Final Season, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, High On Life.
Would you exchange for something here:
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier for Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor GOTY seems to be the only exchange I can do, but I might recieve the game from another trade so I will have to wait for that to end before attempting it with you, assuming that you agree on it to begin with.
Interested that's game for high on life
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Severed Steel
Hi, the game is currently in a pending trade, so I can't do anything until the trade is completed/failed, but assuming that It failed, then I am only interested in Severed Steel, and it's not enough by itself for High on Life.
EDIT: The game has been traded.
Hello there, i am interested to your White Day: A Labyrinth Named School for gems. How much?
Hello, I am not interested at the moment, but if I changed my mind then I will let you know.
Hi, you already commented here and I replied, but now the only game I was interested in (RE4) is no longer availabe, anyway thanks for the offer.
interested in any of these games?:
Nothing interest me, anyway thanks for the offer.
Sorry for the delayed response, I just noticed that I replied as a seperate comment.
damn, i have a new list if you want to have a look:
Sounds like a good offer but to be honest I don't know much about Csgo items so I don't want to deal with stuff I dont understand, if you can provide the same value with TF2 items then that would be an isntant yes for me, 5$ would be 2TF2 Keys+1 Tour of Duty Ticket or 3000 gems.
Actually csgo items are more popular than tf2 items now. I can give you 5x horizon cases(1.15$ each) which you can sell on community market comfortably for more than 5$. The item market link is given below. Let me know if u agree to trade.
(H) Nier Automata
The Walking Dead: The Final Season + Operation: Tango + Superliminal + Surviving Mars + Killing Room
Here's my list:
I'm interested in:
Coral Island
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School
any thing you like from my list
I am not sure if it will, but we can try if you want, I am ok with that price.
Are you from NA or Canada? Im asking because EU, ASIA, OCE, CN, JP, MEA, RUCIS, all have region lock and I'm lf a NA copy
I didn't buy the key myself and I don't know where the key was bought, I just know that its from humble bundle, there isn't really a way to know if it will work unless you try it.
2 tf2 keys, but there are offers for it currently so I will wait for those to end before I attemp doing this, assuming that you find this price resonable.
Also have wolf among us and Totally Accurate Battle Simulator if you want to work something out for all 3.
I am not interested enough in those 2 to pay TF2 keys for them, so Mega Man X Legacy Collection is enough for now.
Hello, not sure if you are still waiting for this or not, but I ended up getting the game from the other trade.
Have a few games from your wishlist:
Let me know if there's anything you'd like to trade for keys.
From them I am currently only interested in RE0, but not enough to pay keys for it, if there is something from my list that you want for it then it would be great, if not then it's too bad.
Anything you like from the list
gang beasts for Satisfactory
? or you can buy something from me for tf2 keys or
You clearly know prices, so I don't understand why would you make such a ridiculous offer, I will obviously decline.
None of your games interest me except Doom Eternal, but I am not currently interested in paying with TF2 keys for it. But if you are willing to get Satisfactory through a proper offer, then we could include Doom Eternal as well and subtract its price from Satisfactory's price.
Not enough, both collections or one of them+1.5 TF2 Keys would be acceptable tho.
hello do you want Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
it is your want list
but i have gog key
Hi, sorry but that's too low for me.
I am looking for 18 TF2 Keys for it, and the games you offer me are worth 5 Keys at best, so you need to add 13 TF2 Keys to these games to make this offer reasonable to me.
I can offer you 18keys for Satisfactory, but it won't be for self use. Are you interested?
Anything you like for yourself
Interested in anything here?:
I am not really interested that much in SANABI so no, thanks for the offer tho.
Anything you like for yourself
Hello, I saw your post and you think the exchange between Jusant for Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is good.
I got Astral ascent. Looking for wasteland 3
Something else here?
I don't see anything I want except Persona 5(assuming that it will work for Egypt) but then you will need to get something else with Wasteland 3 to match the values.
Hi! Do you also take TF2 keys? If so i could offer these:
Persona 5 Strikers: 1.25TF2
theHunter: Call of the Wild: 0.75TF2
Street Fighter V - Champion Edition: 1.0TF2
This War of Mine: Complete Edition: 0.75TF2
Supraland: 0.75TF2
Total: 5.75TF2
Feel free to add me to discuss or counter
here are all the games i have to trade, are we able to make a deal?
Pumpkin Jack 1x GOG Code
Monster Train 1x GOG Code
Hard West 2 1x GOG Code
Dishonored Definitive Edition 1x GOG Code
Hell Pie 1x GOG Code
DOOM Eternal 1x Windows Code
Lost Eidolons 1x Steam Code
Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader + Deluxe, Voidfarer Packs + Season Pass
(Region Locked i'm not sure where it is locked to you'll have to try it to find out)
I am not really that interested in non-steam games, however, I could trade some of my low tier games for some of your non-steam games, let me know what you are looking for and I will see if there is any trade that I can do.
well, here are the games on your list that i am interested in, let me know which of them you are able to trade
Tooth and Tail
Cassette Beasts
Time Loader
Popup Dungeon
the Hunter: Call of the Wild
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
That will too much for me, I can switch Monster Train with any another game (except hell pie) if you would prefer that.
i also have Mafia Definitive Edition and Close to the Sun GOG codes as well as a steam key for Spirit of the North are you able to throw in one of the other games i asked for if i throw in some of those?
Ok how about Tooth and Tail + Popup Dungeon+Time Loader for Dishonored+Doom+ Monster Train+ Mafia?
I can't do any of the other games you asked for. Anyway if you are still willing to discuss this then it's probably better to add me so we can discuss on steam.
Hi .Something from my list for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy ?
Hello, I assume that you meant Marvel's Midnight Suns Digital+ Edition? Because I don't have Guardians of the Galaxy.
If you were really looking for that one, then I can do it for Persona 5 Strikers and Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER, assuming that they will work in Egypt.
Yes,Sorry. My bad. It seems that I have both on epic so I can give them a try over there. Thank you for your time
Sticky Business + InfraSpace + This Means Warp +KarmaZoo for
Tabletop Simulator
Eternal Threads
Ignis Avis Venatio
Red Lantern
Children of Silentown
Operation Valor
Friends vs Friends
Valfaris: Mecha Therion
Planet TD
The I of the Dragon
LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
Little Orpheus
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Radio Commander
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
TF2 Keys ( Priorities Only)
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel
Chicken Invaders
Chicken Invaders 4
AER Memories of Old
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Your Only Move Is HUSTLE
Scars Above
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Monument Valley 2: Panoramic Edition
Cooking Companions
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Pizza Tower
NieR Replicantâ„¢ ver.1.22474487139...
TF2 Keys
I mainly use for pricing.
Barter profile: