I have...


Humble March Leftovers - Will trade for one key each, or will trade three links for two keys
Splasher x2
Last Day of June
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! x2

-CSGO Keys-

I have a few. Be reasonable.

I want...

-Higher Priority-
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - will offer 2 CSGO keys for
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - Unlikely this will come up in an offer. If it does, it'll be discussed then.

-Moderate Priority-
Hollow Knight
Resident Evil 4 - offering 1 key and 2 links for
Wasteland 2 - will offer 1 key or 2 links
Owlboy - Will offer two links for

-Low Priority- Low priority things are best offered together, or with something higher. You can have one March link for one of these.
System Shock 2
Sunrider Academy
Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend/Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend

Please, post your offers here as opposed to adding me without warning. This is annoying, and offers are generally low-balling. By, like, miles. It'd be one thing if people randomly added me offering me amazing things that I literally couldn't say no to, but that never really happens, now, does it?

7 years ago*

Nothing there I really need, but I might be able to fiddle with two of them. Considering Bit is a part of a combo key, I'd trade it for Lieat and the Machinarium Collector's Edition. If that's fine, feel free to add me, though I may or may not be around.

7 years ago

That's more than i'm willing to trade and i didn't really want anything else.

7 years ago

If you get other gift-links, or a general change of stock, let me know, then. Otherwise, take care and good luck.

7 years ago

Hi! Anything from here for Aragami?

7 years ago

Heya. Sorry for the wait but I just traded it. I did see one smaller thing on your list that appealed to me for a friend, though, so I'm sure you'll find somebody else willing to trade. If there's anything else you see listed that you're interested in, feel free to let me know, though.

7 years ago

Something reasonable from here for Aragami?

7 years ago

Depends on if you think Shadow of Mordor is a reasonable exchange. If it is, or if it's close, with a little negotiation, I'd be fine with that. Otherwise, nothing else really stuck out to me. Let me know if it's a no or go.

7 years ago

Can you add LiEat with that? I have added you on steam, it's quite late so I may not be available when you accept the invitation.

7 years ago*

Anything here for Aragami?

7 years ago

Heya. Sorry, it's already been traded. If you see anything else, just let me know. Otherwise, good hunting.

7 years ago

Hi, Cursed Castilla for Japanese School Life?

7 years ago

Heya, that'd be fine. Adding you now.

7 years ago

HIVESWAP: Act 1 for 1€?

7 years ago

I'm assuming you want Steam wallet. I'm looking for that; not offering it.

7 years ago

If it's a link, something here for Beholder? https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/WlYgm/h-sleeping-dogs-de-the-flame-in-the-flood-seasons-after-fall-etc-w-games-keys-cards

I'm also willing to accept cards if u find something u want in my list.

7 years ago

Heya. It is indeed a gift link, or can be on request. Sleeping Dogs is mildly appealing, but due to a friend suddenly wanting copies of RE5 and 6, I'm going to try to focus on those or wishlist items at present as far as trading games goes.

Regarding cards, feel free to add me to negotiate, if you had a priceline or preference in mind.

7 years ago

I don't have a priceline or high preference about cards. I did saw like +-18 cards from your inv. I'm interested and the rest can be of your choice if you want. If you want to trade cards instead of games for Sleeping Dogs I'm fine with it, and as I said I don't have a number in mind yet so you can make your offer.

7 years ago

I'll go ahead and add you for quicker negotiations, then, to see what you want and how to round it out.

7 years ago

Heya. Only thing there that interests me is Read Only Memories. If that's fine with you, feel free to add me.

Edit: I actually just got Read Only Memories elsewhere. Wasn't much else other than minor curiosities that wouldn't let me make you a fair offer. Sorry!

7 years ago*

Any for LiEat?

7 years ago

Heya. Sorry, nothing there really interests me.

7 years ago

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition for Infinifactory + Volume?

7 years ago

Heya, thanks for the interest. Currently, Infinifactory is locked up in a potential offer elsewhere, one that's fairly definitely gonna go through. Sorry about that. If you were willing to trade for just Volume, or for Volume and something else small, though, let me know. If you're into cards, I could trade you an amount equal to some value.

Also, if you were still interested, let me just verify due to a small incident recently: It would be a gift link, yes?

7 years ago

Only interested in Infinifactory, maybe next time. Good luck with your trade.

7 years ago

Unfortunate. Oh well, good luck on your search.

7 years ago

Do you want ?

Iron Storm

Hospital Manager


Black Moon Chronicles


Return to Mysterious Island

Subject 13

Still Life

7 years ago

Nothing there, sorry. Let me know if you get anything else. Dunno what you're hoping to get, but I may accept gems depending on number or cards depending on which cards and how many.

7 years ago

Not really interested in any of the game options. I could be interested in trading for cards and gems, though. Provided I could pick the ones I wanted, how many cards would you trade me with your gems? We can discuss over Steam for speed, if you'd like.

7 years ago

Heya. Can't say any of those interest me, sorry.

7 years ago

beholder for cursed castilla ?

7 years ago

Not really interested in Cursed Castilla. Don't see any cards of note, either. I'd take a CSGO key, but I doubt those're up for offering.

7 years ago

np, thanks for your reply.

7 years ago

I can do Sleeping Dogs DE + Cursed Castilla for 1 CS:GO key.

7 years ago

Pick from the list of things I actually am offering, please.

7 years ago

Sorry,i just mean you have a steam wallet and you can buy cs:go key. I can wait for 7 days trade hold.

7 years ago

Indie Game: The Movie
The Basement Collection
Offspring Fling

Hello, my list for trade https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/ot7GL/trade-steam-games

7 years ago

Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, none of your game options interest me.

Do let me know if gems and cards are doable, though.

7 years ago*

Hello, Anything from my list that might interest you?


7 years ago

Heya. Nothing really interests me that much from your game list. Cards, maybe. But it really depended on what you wanted. Things've been going well for me, so I'm a bit more willing to make deals now. Lemme know what you wanted and whether cards are an open thing to trade with, and I'll see what I can do.

7 years ago

Well to be honest i prefer to keep my cards, but i'm curious, could you give an example on how many cards you'd ask compared to the game's value ( bundle key, gift ... )

7 years ago

Ultimately depends on what all you wanted. What is it you're hoping for, exactly?

7 years ago

Maybe punsh club

7 years ago

If it's just Punch Club, probably about 10-20 random cards. If I'm picking the cards, probably 5-10.

As for games, I don't know what the going value of it is right now, but since you said cards are something you'd prefer to keep, Outlast is the only really notable game to me. Not really a want, but I at least recognize the name. And it's fine if you don't wanna. Just giving alternatives.

7 years ago

Hi, I can make a humble bundle gift link of the priority game:
Blazblue Chronophantasma
Feel free to add me on steam for a trade.

7 years ago

Thanks again for the deal.

7 years ago

do you have 5$ wallet ?

7 years ago

I have it, yes, but what were you offering?

7 years ago

2 csgo keys and 2 sack of gems

7 years ago

I'm not looking to buy CSGO keys or gems. I'm purely interested in my wishlist if it comes to wallet. That said, I'm sure you can make $5 by listing them on the marketplace, if that's an option for you. Good luck on that.

7 years ago

there's gems in your wishlist and i need it for new account

7 years ago

Wishlist games. Gems are for the games I have for trade. If I wanted gems badly enough to pay for them, I could get them off of the marketplace for 74~ or so cents, I believe, a sack.

7 years ago

Hey, im interested in evcerything from your list :D do you have some price in cards?
And also im interested in your -90% coupon for Rock of Ages

7 years ago

Heya. Specifically looking for Va-11 Hall-A cards, or cards that have good prices and high demand. I gave your stuff a look over, and most of them don't really fit that criteria. Can't say I'm all that interested. If you want the coupon, though, feel free to add me and send a trade request. It expires in a little under a day, so don't wait too long.

7 years ago

Okay, added you :D

7 years ago

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
Mr. Shifty
3 for 1 csgo key

7 years ago

Only one of those are even on my wanted list, and CSGO keys aren't listed under my goods for trade.

7 years ago

Hi! I'm interested in KARAKARA (giftlink).

Here's my list.

7 years ago

Heya. Thanks for your interest.

While there's not much that interests me on your game list, I'm interested in your gems, potentially in your cards. Your inventory is private, so I can't say for certain on the card front. Feel free to add me if you want, and we can negotiate.

7 years ago

How many gems do you want for it?

7 years ago

700 gems is my opening offer. Feel free to counter.

7 years ago

how much cards for Punch Club

7 years ago

As stated above, I'm primarily looking for Va-11 Hall-A cards, or cards with high value that sell easily. You do have gems, though. Would you be interested in trading gems and cards?

7 years ago

yep i do , will trade cards + gems so let me know how much for it ( the cards i have arnt that high 0.05 most of them )

7 years ago

It's probably not going to be an offer you like, but I'm scraping something up. The 250 gems + 20 cards; doesn't matter which, since, as you said, none have that high of a value.

If you'd had the cards I was looking for, I'd've simply asked for 2-4 of them by themselves. That's the reason why I'm asking for such a high quantity.

7 years ago

its a bit much for it i can do it for 12 cards +250gems , let me know if you're interested

7 years ago

250 gems + 15, and sure.

7 years ago

ok deal
i will add you then

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

Sorry, not really interested.

7 years ago

hi, how much gems do you want for "LiEat"?

7 years ago

Hadn't really put prices on anything. People keep asking without offering, so I give them offers they probably won't like. What would you like to offer for it?

7 years ago


7 years ago

Sorry for the hold up. Was waiting to see how other offers were going to go. I can sell it for 500, if you want, I guess.

7 years ago

sorry, too much for me now (

7 years ago

No worries. It's all good. Take it easy.

7 years ago

i have vermintide + drachenfels dlc

7 years ago

Cool, cool. What were you hoping for it that's listed?

7 years ago

1.5 keys

7 years ago

Please choose from something that's listed. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't take you up on your offer.

7 years ago

ah! sorry, i didn't read carefully.

I'm really interested in a game called "subnautica"

I could give you vermintide and drachenfels dlc + some other games I have (see below)

let me know!

7 years ago

Sorry, but I'll have to decline. Vermintide is currently in the $5 tier of a Fanatical bundle. As is the Holy Potatoes game. Paying more than $5 for it kinda defeats the purpose for me.

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

. . . wasn't it you that made that exact offer like two days ago and deleted it? No, thank you. I'm not interested in Grave Danger.

6 years ago

You approached me before, never responded, though. I gave your stuff a lookover, just to see if anything changed, though. Still nothing I see that I want. If you had Vermintide and Potatoes in Space, I'd think about it, but there's really nothing there I want, and I don't see the gems that used to be there. Unfortunately, unless there's something else you want to do or offer, I'm going to decline.

6 years ago

mb i forgot about this 2w a go i was not well so thats why i did not responded
what about cards?
for it

6 years ago

Mm. Honestly, I'd prefer to not get more cards unless they're from Va-11 Hall-A, but you have some that seem like they'd be valuable. For argument's sake, how many would I be able to get for it?

6 years ago

i do not know tell me how many you were thinking of

6 years ago

Given cards aren't my preferred exchange anymore, I'd say twenty or so of my choosing.

6 years ago

Hi, anything here for LiEat? 1:1

Edit. Np, thanks for reply

6 years ago*

Nothing there interests me, unfortunately.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Nothing there really interested me. Have you gotten anything new in the past four months, or has your stock remained the same since that was closed?

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

It's likely I'll take you up on this, but give me a while to sift through offers, just in case.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

Just keeping you updated: Provided he doesn't flake, someone's matched and exceeded your offer with other stuff. If he flakes, then that's that, but if he doesn't he'll be trading for it. I'll know for sure in probably eight or so hours, but it's understandable if you don't want to wait.

6 years ago

Vermintide + Gorky 17 + Cursed Castilla + Evoland or https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/uM4xT/h-games-w-tacoma-dark-souls-iii for dark souls 3 ?

6 years ago

Thanks for the expansive offer. If it wasn't for the fact that Vermintide's a part of a bundle with other items I wanted, or the fact that the others are minor wants, I'd probably go for it. Unfortunately, there's other offers that strike me more, and this one just doesn't click with me. Good luck, though!

6 years ago

Hey there,
would you consider trading the Dark Soul's 3 DLC individually?

6 years ago

Nobody's given me an offer for the two together that I wanted, so it's on the table, yes. What were you going to offer for it?

6 years ago

From your wishlist I currently have Cursed Castilla, not sure if you're willing to conduct the trade, though.

6 years ago

Cursed Castilla is a lower priority, yeah. More a curiosity than a want. I also accept CSGO keys, since those're liquid money basically. But, hey, you've got some good things in your trading thread. You should be able to find someone willing soon. Good luck!

6 years ago

Something here for Dark souls 3? Can be more games for one. https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/s9dgD/h-bundle-games-mostly-humble-bundle-w-game-offers

6 years ago

Heya. You've got some nice things listed, but nothing really a priority for me. If I hadn't already gotten Blazblue, I might've made an offer, but I got it a week ago. You shouldn't have too many issues finding someone interested, though. Good luck!

6 years ago

Would you buy Vermintide from Fanatical for 1 key?

6 years ago

Honestly, not really. If I get desperate, I can just sell both of my keys and justify it in my head to go buy the whole bundle for $5.

6 years ago

4 Keys for Dark souls III + DLCs?

6 years ago

Solid offer, but I've currently got someone offering me a wishlisted item for one of the two, and I've seen people offering 3-4 keys for DS3 alone. I'm open to other offers, depending on whether you have games on my wishlist, or more keys, though.

6 years ago

Biohazard HD remaster + CUrsed castilla for DS3?

6 years ago

The RE remaster is a definite want, yeah. Cursed Castilla was already offered for the DLC, though. Not that big of a want. If you want both still, I could do it for the Remaster + 3 keys. Or you can counter offer me again. I'm definitely interested now.

6 years ago

I just want the base game. I would do HD remaster + 1.5 keys + cursed castilla.

6 years ago

Oh. Well, all-righty. That's got the other guy beat, definitely. I'll add you.

6 years ago

Heya. Sorry, not much really sticks out to me at present.

6 years ago

something from here (can be multiple keys) or/plus csgo keys for ds3 +dlc

6 years ago

I'm potentially interested. For reference, how many CSGO keys would you be willing to offer for both? Feel free to add me for quicker discussion.

6 years ago

Hi, how about Pillars of Eternity and 2 other games form my list for Dark Souls 3 and the DLC? Or if you see some other combination from my list https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/578cx/h-hb-gift-links-rise-of-the-tomb-raider-furi-dmc-got-hand-of-fate-w-paypal-or-wishlist

6 years ago

Heya. I'll have to pass. It's a generous offer, don't get me wrong, but none of the options appeal to me. Thanks for your interest.

6 years ago

StatTrak™ AWP | Worm God (Field-Tested) for dark souls 3?
maybe you can check my csgo inventory for anything you want

6 years ago

I'm not really into the items themselves, since they're a bit more limited in who I could trade them to, unfortunately. I did at least check the marketplace value, and it's decent, but not really enough for me. If there's another item you have in mind that you want to offer, feel free to let me know, though. Otherwise, I'll have to pass. Thanks for your interest.

6 years ago

5 csgo key for Dark Souls 3 + Ashes of Ariandel DLC giftlink

6 years ago

Tempted. Though I notice you don't have any keys in your inventory?

6 years ago

now i have it

6 years ago

Nothing there really appeals to me, so I'll have to decline, unfortunately. Thanks for your interest.

6 years ago

something here?

6 years ago

Curious as to what the Square Enix key includes. Not necessarily interested, just curious.

Other than that, none of the games interest me. CSGO keys are a thing, so if you want to offer those, give me an offer on what you want and we can go from there.

6 years ago

Something from here for Dark Souls III?

6 years ago

Heya. Nothing there really interests me, sorry.

6 years ago

I'm interested in LiEat, but unfortunately I have nothing from your wishlist. :(
Maybee you can find something here:
Let me know when you've found a game :)

6 years ago

Heya. It's not that you don't have anything I'm interested in, but that I don't feel it'd be a fair offer to you. Only thing I'm interested in is BioShock Infinite, and that's not really a major want, so I'm not really looking to offer much for it at present. If, for whatever reason, you want it anyway, we can discuss further, but that's not really the best offer for you, so I'd personally suggest trying elsewhere; you can probably find a better deal.

6 years ago

Thanks for your response. :) As you said, I can't do it and hopefully I can find a better deal :)
Thanks for your honesty, have a good day!

6 years ago

No worries. Glad you understand why I'd avoid making that offer. I'm greedy, but not an ass. Usually, anyway. Haha.

Good luck on your search, and you have an excellent day, as well!

6 years ago

Hello, i am interested in Samorost 2, do you want a game from here?

6 years ago

Potentially two different things.

The doubtful option is Resident Evil 4. I can offer Samorost 2 and any of the other smaller games for it, or Samorost 2, a CSGO key, and another couple of smaller games for it.

Otherwise, Citizens of Earth would be okay, probably.

Or, hell. If you have some gems, I could take them, depending on how many you'd offer.

6 years ago

its no a bad offer for Citizens of Earth but Samorost 2 has very low priority for me so i have to say no

6 years ago

Eh, whatever you say. It's on the lowest tier, and you came to me. Have a nice day, then.

6 years ago

i am interested in Dark Souls III too, maybe we find something for that

6 years ago

You're free to make an offer.

6 years ago

in which games are you interested for Dark Souls III?

6 years ago

Not really enough of them to trade it for, honestly. It's why I said you were free to make an offer. Only thing I genuinely want is Resident Evil 4, but that's not equal, and it's not something I'm in a rush for.

6 years ago

i can do Rise of the Tomb Raider for it if your are interested

6 years ago

No, thank you. Not really interested in the second entry of the reboot series.

6 years ago

Tomb Raider (2013) for Ashes of Ariandel DS3 DLC?

6 years ago

I'd prefer to not trade the DLC until the base game by itself is traded, presently. Even then, Tome Raider isn't a major want, just a curiosity. So I'll pass.

6 years ago

3 csgo keys for Dark Souls 3?

6 years ago

I'd consider 4 keys, but that's because I've received much better offers overall, including 5 keys + a game for both it and the DLC.

6 years ago

[h] Hollow Knight [w] DS3 + Ashes of Ariandel

6 years ago

Thank you for offering something on my list. Unfortunately, as stated, I do suspect Hollow Knight will end up bundled soon, perhaps even in this monthly. Between that, and other offers I've gotten, this really isn't that appealing an offer to me. Sorry, and good luck. You'll probably find other interested parties.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.
New Bundles