Pozdrav, jesi li zainteresiran za nešto od ovih igara za Snake Pass?
[W] Tacoma, Black The Fall
TWD, Tales From Borderlands and Minecraft don't apply
We didnt make a deal, but very friendly! :) I'm sure we'll make some deals in future.
Not totally sure about the games, but I am interested in steam cards if you are too interested in stellaris
Hey, about Titan Quest, is it anniversary edition? Is Beat Hazard only base game, or is there DLC included?
i believe when u activate titan quest you get anniversary edition automatically, thats what happened to me. as for beat hazard, i cannot remember the key i got years ago.
Hey, I looked at your list, but sadly could not find anything that interests me... :(
Anything here for Yooka-Laylee or Styx?
Hi, how many cards for Moon Hunters and Rampage Knights? Added you to talk about it. anything for Destiny 2?
I don't have Conan yet, but I expect it to get it in monthly. Not sure if I want to sell it...
interest on anyhere ? for some of your games
Anything for Styx: Shards of Darkness? :) anything for Destiny 2 ?
I forgot to remove Crash from my Want section... Sorry.
I am interested in cash transaction though if we can agree on a price for Destiny 2 and Blackwake? for
a hat in time
destiny 2
What Metal Gear Solid V is it? is it the definitive edition/dlc, phantom pain or Ground Zeroes? I still have you on my friend list so let me know what it is.
Hey there :) Anything of interest over here? Also if you have a specific wishlist I'd be more than glad to take a look at it, got a huuuge amount of games but listing them all would be too much work.
Would offer also $8 PayPal as I saw it's on your WL.
House Flipper (Steam Key)
a) Paypal
b) Other game or games - Feel free to offer any:
Fast, reliable and friendly! :D
Games on offer are mostly unused ones I got from other bundles. Plan to add more if I get them in future. I am almost always online so feel free to contact me either here or directly via steam.