I have...

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection https://steamdb.info/sub/267924/ region locked to eu/africa/me regions

I want...

2 tf2 keys
barter wishlist
Ghost Song
Axiom Verge 2

comment, add. no grey market keys, please

8 years ago*

I'll want to trade for your Assault Android Cactus.
Can you add me so we can arrange trade?

8 years ago

Added, and all.

8 years ago

do oyu have some games to offer for stronghold crusader 2 3 coppies got ...(may get another 2 coppies)
or do you have csgo keys??

8 years ago

I'm not offering keys for these

8 years ago

got you some games?

8 years ago

I already got the copies I wanted, so I'm closing this thread soon.

8 years ago

I've got a spare gift link to trade. Added.

8 years ago

Accepted. I sent the trade offer. Reject if you no longer have it or else just send it when you can.

8 years ago

Hello, If you're interested in, i have 4 copies to SC-2 to 5k gems, 3 of them are links and another is key.

8 years ago

5000 / 4 = 1,250. I only want leftovers from people that wanted to make a profit from all the Rust copies and just want to get rid of them.

I'll do 3500 max to get it done in one trade, but otherwise I will wait if people will offer or just let the trade die.

8 years ago

hi, got 2 of them.

8 years ago

adding you then.

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago

Enter the gungeon for Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition?

8 years ago

extreme lowball there.

8 years ago

I do not have more games than you want

8 years ago

If you're selling XCOM 2 for $11, I think you know how to make a better offer, though.

8 years ago

Enter the gungeon is 7$ rigth now

8 years ago

Steam Keys / Gift Link

Tomb Raider Underworld (steam key)
Super 3-D Noah's Ark (steam key)
Minion Masters (steam key)
Assassin's Creed 1 (uplay key)
Else Heart. Break() x3
Shadow Run Hong Kong Extended Edition x2
Stronghold Crusader 2 x2
Evoland 2
Victor Vran x2
Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Steam Gifts [SEA]

Contraption Maker
Space Farmers
Minion Masters
Block N Load

Origin Keys

Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Dead Space

Shadowrun HK + anything ?

8 years ago

Not interested in any

8 years ago

Are you looking for Mother Russia Bleeds for keys?

8 years ago

Just want it bundled in for trading.

8 years ago

http://steamcommunity.com/id/VTRONE/inventory/#753 , Plantary Annihilation for Enter the Gungeon ????

8 years ago

Not interested, so I will pass.

8 years ago

DiRT Rally key for Necropolis?

8 years ago


8 years ago

thanks for the reply
good luck

8 years ago

have Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

8 years ago

Sorry about this, but I forgot to copy down the link for Shadowrun: HK. I added you again because I don't have it. Can you help me out?

8 years ago

Project Cars for Necropolis? Add me if you agree

8 years ago

This looks like an extremely bad offer... let me think about it

8 years ago

K mate, I'll be waiting for your reply

8 years ago

Wolfenstein: The New Order for Wasteland 2: Director's Cut - Classic Edition ?

8 years ago

will pass.

8 years ago

XCOM 2 for Alien Isolation Collection??

8 years ago

I don't really want to trade it for XCOM 2 alone that much.

8 years ago

And XCOM+Ryse:son of rome?

8 years ago

If you're fine XCOM 2 + Ryse for Alien Isolation Collection (ROW / Gift), sure. Still, you might be able to get 5k from someone if you wanted.

8 years ago

Add you

8 years ago

I can't add you like friend...Can you try add me?

8 years ago

Weird. I added you then.

8 years ago

Do you still have starbound?if you want add me we can arrange a trade

8 years ago

I would buy it from the store, but I don't know what we're "arranging" so I guess we can discuss it. Added.

8 years ago

Inteersted in Project CARS On-Demand Pack.
Check my trade thread.

8 years ago

I checked it, but there was nothing interesting for me.

8 years ago

My Oxenfree Steam Gift for your Moon Hunters Steam Gift?

8 years ago

please reject the offer I left you first

8 years ago

Ok I replied there..

8 years ago

Thanks. Moon Hunters would cost me too much to buy on demand to trade for Oxenfree.
I would suggest trying to trade it from someone in Canada or Norway.

This is the best I would trade it for:
Moon Hunters for Ryse, Steamworld Heist, N++ and Neon Chrome
I size up game $ and compare the cost, but like I said I suggest trying to trade it from someone in Canada or Norway that will buy on demand

8 years ago

Guess I'll have to keep looking but thanks for the offer!

8 years ago

Hey! I'm interested in Darkest Dungeon! I can offer you any combination of everything here and I can also write you a cool poem. Thanks!

8 years ago

I really don't want the baggage of all the games, so I'd rather have smaller $2-4 valued titles so it's easier to deal with, so I will pass. I'll wait to see the poem you write someone someday, though..

8 years ago

Haha, no problem! I did write a poem already which you can check out here! :D

8 years ago

All that and still rejected.. a shame.
Someone out there might take a trade like that for KRZ, though. I don't think the game is worth much more than what you offered.

8 years ago

I ended up getting Kentucky for Evoland 2 so pretty stoked with that! :D

8 years ago

Anything from here for Firewatch?

8 years ago


8 years ago

Alright, thanks.

8 years ago

Add me to discuss a trade please

8 years ago

Please just post what you might want to trade here first.

8 years ago

Starbound for Total War: WARHAMMER?

8 years ago

I could do it, but it's part of a saved cart purchase so I'd rather only buy it once I get it. So if you don't want to go first in this case, I'd rather pass. Add me if you want to, though.

I prefer it as a gift link in this specific case, too.

8 years ago

Same here haha, I would only buy Total War: Warhammer if you guarantee me the Starbound copy, as you have higher reputation I can go first.

8 years ago

Well, I can buy it and send it but I just don't want to do the purchase if it's not going to happen. Even if I didn't do the purchase, a lot of people will offer something reasonably good for Total War: Warhammer (or at least a small portion might)

8 years ago

I'm not sure what you want to mean. Let's keep it simple. You don't have Starbound, I don't have Total War: Warhammer. If we have trade, I buy TW:W. you buy SB, I go first in trade and then you. What do you think?

8 years ago

Yes, that's simple enough. Add me if you want to trade.

(Just to clarify, this is what I mean which is why I don't want to buy it unless someone wants it)

View attached image.
8 years ago


8 years ago

Hello! Something from here or here for Tales of Zestiria & The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky?

Have a pastebin at the top you can use on compare 2 steam. Newest additions at the top of my trade list. Also have a barter profile.

8 years ago

Most likely no as I kind of skimmed through. I mostly prefer T2 and T3 games from bundles or multiple smaller HB Monthly (if they have some value). Okhlos and Project Highrise are probably not worth much which is why I also say no in case you wonder why I said no.

I don't use compare 2 steam so I don't want to even click the pastebin as I imagine it's too much to look through.

8 years ago

edit: der...

8 years ago

the jotun link is broken free bump

8 years ago

Hey I am looking for darkest dungeon :)
let me know if you can find something from here.

8 years ago

Mother Russia Bleeds, Project CARS, Project CARS On-Demand Pack and ABZU or it's not worth it to me to buy it off the store to trade.

8 years ago

Thank you for answer friend :) According to your answer at the moment you do not own the game at all. Price of the game in the store is 11 euro. Games you asked from me is close to triple maybe the price you are asking to trade.

What about Mother Russia Bleeds, Project CARS and ABZU ?

8 years ago

I go by lowest current store price for unbundled games (because who would want to buy a bundled game from Steam) and community prices (more or less, but check other threads for what those games are worth) for bundled games, so I will pass. If you can sell those 3 games for 11 euros , I would sell it for 11 euros, though. I really don't think anyone will pay that, though..

I might have asked for a bit much, so without MRB would also be fine. I think that game is worth the least, though.

I do not own it, no. I would buy it and gift if it someone wanted to trade for it. I'm also in the US, so it costs a little more to buy the game than for some regions.

The triple price doesn't work because I don't value the games at the store price, and I don't think most people here do either. If it's been bundled, it's hardly going to be worth the store price anymore. It's only worth it if the game is valued highly or it's some mmo survival game or the early unlock which everyone seems to want.

Another way to put is buying games in a bundle offer multiple games. You pay less for more and you trade a few for a game that hasn't been bundled yet. The store price for Darkest Dungeon is almost the cost of HB Monthly and you get 7 games for that price. The HB Bandai offered 10 for a slightly higher price. So relatively, it's $27 for 17 games. Some are worth less and some are worth more and I'm not even asking for half of the games.

To put some perspective, if I sold Mother Russia Bleeds, Project CARS and ABZU, people might pay about $7..or $8. It's not like it's awful, but at 64% of the store price for me, I'd rather just keep my Steam Wallet.

No offense was meant, but it's just another long explanation for why I won't take the trade. Basically, I don't think I'm asking for triple the price.

8 years ago

thank you for explanation :) have a nice day brother !

8 years ago

XCOM 2 for Attack on Titan (currently 50% off)?

8 years ago

XCOM 2 goes around 5keys here. Attack on Titan is $30 for me.

(5 keys is roughly $11 to $12, so nobody is going to do that trade. I don't know where you are in the world, but it's an awful trade for me)

edit: just to drive it further, XCOM 2 has been in a bundle where it's been available to a lot of people; Attack on Titan has not.

8 years ago

Hello Jiseru,

I'm ok with XCOM 2 for 5 keys.

Let me know, thanks !

8 years ago

I think I'm more up to trading for games instead of keys right now.

8 years ago

That's ok, let me know if you change your mind :)

8 years ago

Stardew Valley for firewatch :/

8 years ago

it's not worth it :\

8 years ago

your game is gift ? so maybe when I got total war warhammer . we can trade but probably u are going to say not worth . Anyway thanks.

8 years ago

I wish people read the topic (yes)

edit: I say Stardew Valley isn't worth it because it's in another (new) bundle right now. I'd say it's worth half, or a little more, of Firewatch right now. Just my opinion, though.

8 years ago*

Didn't see enough that I'd want to, no.

8 years ago

Nothing from here for Firewatch?

8 years ago

Absolutely nothing.

8 years ago

Hello! I have a couple of games on your wishlist. I'm looking for Firewatch, Astroneer, Paypal, or keys. Please let me know if there's anything you want to trade for.

8 years ago

I looked, but I'm not too up to trading Firewatch or Astroneer for the games I see in your list. Just as a note, I saw someone trying to grab Overgrowth and wondered what it was worth. I think it's worth like $3 to $4.

8 years ago

I didn't expect you'd find anything to trade for those games. I take it there wasn't anything you are interested in trading CSGO keys to get at this time?
Also, thanks for the info on Overgrowth!

8 years ago

Yes, I want to keep the keys for now. Good luck, though.

8 years ago

Hi! Would you be interested in The Witness for Astroneer? Thanks!

8 years ago

If you want to offer more of the games from the bundle, I'll think about it, but The Witness alone isn't worth it.

8 years ago

No worries, thanks anyway!

8 years ago

Hi there! Would you be interested in Stardew Valley and Overgrowth for Firewatch? Cheers.

8 years ago

I don't strongly want Overgrowth since it seems like it's worth more than people will take it for, or at least I don't want to find anyone for it. I think it's worth $4 or more if you look around, though.

Just to ask, in your tradelist here
is that supposed to be your Have List or Want List since the Have List is the blue-green color and the Have List is more a red color.

edit: your tradelist is in a weird position and searching is not going to bring a lot of traffic there. If you care about that, you may want to fix it.
double edit: your 'Have List' is in the description, your 'Want List' is empty and your 'Have List' is actually your 'Want List'

8 years ago

You're actually right. Fixed that. I take it you're not interested in the proposition or any or the other games on the list for Firewatch?

8 years ago

I wasn't too much. I was looking at your games and thinking about it, but I'd rather keep Firewatch for a better trade.

edit: I saw another game, but I think this favors me more (just saying)
Firewatch for Stardew Valley, Overgrowth and Invisible Inc. (I really don't want Overgrowth because it seems like it's worth more, but there isn't much else I'd want)

8 years ago

You fixed your list. I'd rather trade N++ for Overgrowth if you were okay with that, but I think Overgrowth is worth more.

8 years ago

Hello, care to trade Darkest Dungeon for XCOM 2?

8 years ago

I'd rather trade it for games from the Humble Freedom Bundle really. I think I'd rather pass on XCOM 2. Maybe I'll change my mind, but I don't think I will.

8 years ago

Well that's a shame, XCOM 2 is brilliant (especially now with Long War 2 out), but okay.

8 years ago

the "but okay" part seems really weird to me to add. I just don't think people should trade when they don't want to, though, if they don't want to. Good luck, I guess. I'm sure a few people out there have it for trade if you look.

8 years ago

I have The Witness, Invisible Inc (Both HB gift link and steam gift) and Overgrowth from your list. Would you be able to trade them for something interesting in my wishlist?

8 years ago

I'll look, but it helps to link to a wishlist sometimes.
Astroneer is the only game that hasn't been on sale if you'd want to consider that, but Overcooked and Brut@l are the only other two I'd buy (since they're on sale)

edit: astroneer is too much in my opinion for just those 3. it's $20 in my region. Maybe it's fair, but I don't know. I think I'd rather not trade for it, though.

Maybe The Witness and Invisible Inc. for either Overcooked or Brut@l if that would be fine for you. I don't know if region prices are cheaper for you, so it might be better to trade for keys and to sell them yourself.

8 years ago

I might wait a little bit more then. Overcooked and Brut@l aren't really my priority at the moment.
Also, sorry for not linking my wishlist. I keep forgetting about it.
Anyway, thank you for your advices and attention.

8 years ago

It's alright. I just don't have anything to offer that isn't on sale and none of the games are randomly in my inventory from your Wishlist. I would just use the search function here for a title you want specifically and maybe you might have luck. Good luck.

8 years ago

Hey man! Sorry for coming back to you but you seem like the only one with astroneer that also has the witness on your want list.
Would you do The Witness + Invisible Inc or The Witness + Overgrowth for Astroneer? If those games aren't enough, i could add one sack of gems.

8 years ago

I just offer to buy it on demand is why. Since it hasn't been on sale yet, it's always up for trade.

I'd suggest waiting for it to go down, though. $20 (even as Steam Wallet) is a lot to buy to trade for me on this title, I think, and I doubt anyone wants to throw a relative amount of games equal in price on it from a bundle they bought. Honestly, I don't really want to ask people to trade it for a bunch of (bundled) games much for expensive games anymore.

The Witness and Inc are about half of its value to me, but the Witness and Overgrowth might work for some people. If you can trade to some people who sell on g2a (since they're $19 almost) someone might take this trade, I think. Some people might still take it even if they don't, though.

Sorry for the rant, but I'd rather keep my wallet up for trades I can get a better offer for is all.

8 years ago

No problem. I just thought I should try my luck. :P
I'll try to find someone as you said to trade it.
Thank you for your time, once again. :)

8 years ago

hi, whats your offer for stardew valley?

8 years ago

It's hard to offer when I don't know what someone wants. I prefer multiple games so I can offer something on sale, though. If you make your profile public so people can check your wishlist, I could make an actual offer.

8 years ago

im public now, i also have project cars and human machine, bye

8 years ago

Should help for trading. You can link your wishlist in your trade thread, too.
Maybe Stardew Valley and Project CARS for one of the Final Fantasy games on sale?

FINAL FANTASY VI, FINAL FANTASY IV, After Years or FINAL FANTASY XIII (kind of a bad game, though.. maybe.) or Lumo?

8 years ago

no thanks you

8 years ago

Final Fantasy IV for Stardew Valley??

8 years ago

That is too much of a trade for me to consider personally.

8 years ago

Im interested in FFIX , FFX-X2 , Darkest Dungeon, Alien : Isolation.

What you can offer me for this https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/Ne6mf/hstardew-valleyday-of-the-tentacle-wtotal-warwarhammerdragons-dogmada-soma ?

8 years ago

I don't think I can trade without taking a loss. Sorry, but I am going to pass.

8 years ago

TY for the answer.

If you change you mind let me know. I can offer various games for 1.

8 years ago

Hi. i am interested in Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster. Maybe you find something in my list


8 years ago

Only looking at the Freedom games here: Stardew Valley, Overgrowth, Nuclear Throne, Song of the Deep
That's pretty much what I would trade for it, but I'd still suggest trading with someone in a cheaper ROW region for the game if you can. You might be able to get more if you wanted, but I guess it depends on the convenience of the trade too.

8 years ago

i am not trying to get rich here ;) So i am open for any suggestion from your side. I am willed to do a 2:1 but you are the boss here.

8 years ago

I am.. just a normal guy. I'm not trying to get rich either. I'll split these games I get for as cheap as I can as long as it's close to the game I offer is all.

I just don't want to trade for games at what I consider overpriced (Stardew for $7-$8 is overpriced imo), but don't take the trade if you don't think it's fair. You might be able to get $7 or $8 for it, though, but I'm avoiding grey markets.

As for a 2:1, I just don't think it's enough for me to buy it to trade is all. It's a bit cheaper if you can trade to someone in Canada or Norway, so I'd rather you get the better deal if you can.

I'm pretty firm on all 4 but I would say get a better deal from someone else. Either way, I still look at it as 4 games for a $15 game (for me) that hasn't been bundled yet isn't.. THAT bad of a trade. I'm just trying to give them reasonable values that doesn't involve using G2A prices, though.

8 years ago

I have Stardew Valley, Song of the Deep, Invisible, Inc., and Overgrowth. Astroneer and Alien Isolation collection interest me the most, but some smaller interest in Ryse, Styx and Tales of Zestria.

8 years ago

I'd offer Alien Isolation Collection (row / gift) (it's the collection.. why am I restating that) and Ryse OR Styx for all 4.

Astroneer is a lot, so I'd rather not offer it honestly. I don't want to overprice the Freedom games either, so I'm not going to offer more than what I think they're mostly worth.

8 years ago

Very reasonable valuation. I will pass for now, as parting with all four trade pieces would be tough. I used to have an inventory with a few hundred games in it. Steam gifts are just trickier to move once things start getting bundled. I feel for those poor guys and gals with The Witness, Stardew, and Subnautica gifts from the Winter sale.

8 years ago

heh... poor people, I suppose. Thanks for the response.

8 years ago

Any of these for Alien Isolation (with or without DLC)

Frozen Synapse Prime (Gift)


Dungeon Defenders with DLC
Mirrormoon EP
Wheels of Aurelia
Devil Daggers
Rayman Origins
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Human Resource Machine
Runestone Keeper

8 years ago

I only have it with DLC, but I don't want any of those.

8 years ago

Anything for Project CARS On-Demand Pack?

8 years ago

The list looks really long. I'd be more up to trade if there were any of the popular titles if you have anything from the Humble Freedom Bundle.. otherwise I think I'd rather look at this later (or not at all...)

8 years ago

I'm interested in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster.
If you are interested in a lot of games on my list, Let me know which games will be equivalent for them.
Take your time, thanks.

8 years ago

I skimmed through. Going to pass on both offers.

8 years ago

How much for Yomawari: Night Alone, thinking about getting the freedom bundle for stardew.

8 years ago

I wouldn't really recommend buying it just as a bonus to trade, but if you wanted to do it.. something like The Witness, Song of the Deep and Invisible, Inc., I guess.

Just so you know, Subnautica keys are no longer to be stocked so you're going to get less from the bundle now.

8 years ago

I have Overgrowth or Song of the Deep if you're willing to trade Final Fantasy VII

8 years ago

I think Overgrowth is a fair trade in some ways, but I want to pass on it. I think you might be able to find someone else that might take the trade though.

8 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

I would consider some of the FF games, but I would choose which one you want exactly.

Just be willing to trade out these: Song of the Deep, Invisible Inc, Overgrowth, Jotun and MRB. Probbaly for X/X-2 HD. I'd ask for less if you wanted a cheaper game.

8 years ago

Interested in Astroneer, Alien Isolation and GTAV
I can offer things fom here?

8 years ago

There's.... nowhere near enough for me to consider trading them.

8 years ago

Alright :)

8 years ago

I have Jotun, oddworld: new 'n' tasty if ur interested i would like a FF i have other titles not on ur list would like to work out a deal if possible

8 years ago

I looked. The Flame in the Flood, Kentucky Route Zero, and Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty for FFIX? If you want to add more, I'd do FF X/X2, but I don't want to ask for a lot but I am asking for bundled games, so..

Feel free to ask for which one you really want and I'll try to make an offer.

8 years ago

Adding you to chat easier

8 years ago

1 cs:go key for Project cars on-demand pack?

8 years ago

I'd take the DLC if you were offering.

8 years ago

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