I have...

1) Acceleration of SUGURI 2
-----(HB Gift)-----
2) AER Memories of Old
-----(HB Gift)-----
3) A Hat in Time
-----(HB Gift)-----
4) Bear With Me - Collector's Edition
-----(HB Gift)-----
5) Black the Fall
-----(HB Gift)-----
6) Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
-----(HB Gift)-----
7) Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
-----(HB Gift)-----
8) Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
-----(HB Gift)-----
9) Destiny 2 Planet of Peace Exclusive Emblem
-----(HB Key)-----
10) Figment
-----(HB Gift)-----
11) Good Robot
-----(Fanatical Key)-----
-----(HB Gift)-----
13) GT Legends
-----(Fanatical Key)-----
14) HackyZack
-----(HB Key)-----
15) HIVESWAP: Act 1
-----(HB Gift)-----
16) Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
-----(HB Gift)-----
17) Immortal Redneck
-----(HB Gift)-----
18) Jalopy
-----(HB Gift)-----
19) Kona
-----(HB Gift)-----
20) Last Day of June
-----(HB Gift)-----
21) Laser League
-----(HB Gift)-----
22) Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
-----(IndieGala Gift)-----
23) Mafia 3 - Sign Of The Times DLC
-----(HB Gift)-----
-----(HB Key)-----
25) Moon Hunters
-----(HB Gift)-----
26) NBA Playgrounds
-----(HB Gift)-----
27) NeuroVoider
-----(HB Gift)-----
28) Norwood Suite
-----(HB Gift)-----
29) Old Man's Journey
-----(HB Gift)-----
30) Pathologic Classic HD
-----(HB Gift)-----
31) Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
-----(HB Gift)-----
32) Running With Rifles
-----(HB Gift)-----
33) Star Realms Full Version
-----(HB Key)-----
34) Staxel
-----(HB Gift)-----
35) Subterrain
-----(HB Gift)-----
36) Twickles
-----(IndieGala Gift)-----
37) We Were Here Too
-----(HB Gift)-----
38) Zombie Army Trilogy
-----(HB Gift)-----
39) Zombie Night Terror
-----(HB Gift)-----

I want...

16 CSGO Hydra Case keys for all 39 items

Looking to do a bulk clear out; all 39 items for 16 CSGO hydra case keys.

6 years ago*

Hey, I'm interested. Added you!

6 years ago

Trade done. +rep sent.

6 years ago

I have Clash of cards, can i trade it with Outlast 2?

6 years ago

I'd be quite happy with such a trade I think.

That seems like it's lop sided for value for you however; you sure it's a trade you want to go ahead with?

6 years ago

ok man, not a problem with me :3

6 years ago

Alright, well if it's a trade you want to make go ahead & add me on Steam. If I don't hear back I know you changed your mind. :-)

6 years ago

Added :3 Sr for taking for a long time to reply

6 years ago

Do you take Pubg keys as well?

6 years ago

Yeah that'd be fine.

6 years ago

Added you.

6 years ago

Hi! Anything here for "Moon Hunters" and/or "Subterrain" ?

6 years ago

Nothing sorry.

6 years ago

It's ok. Thanks!

6 years ago

I'd give 1 CS:GO key for Moon Hunters :)

6 years ago

No thanks.

6 years ago

Just a note: PUBG item trading is halted by developers

6 years ago

Oh, thank you.

6 years ago

Hey buddy,
Please, take a look here if something reasonable interest to you:

I'd like these:

6 years ago

Nothing sorry.

6 years ago

ubercrate 10 games random i can trade for you cupon 1 free month and also open for you account
if you want talk with me or add me steam
i have also jaws of extinction prototype if want trade told me what you want and add me

6 years ago

No thanks.

6 years ago

why no?
10 games suprise for 1-2 game cheap this worth for you

6 years ago

Alright... you asked so:

Well of the 10 games you have listed under that link only Universalis III Complete & Endless Space Collection have not been given away free to my knowledge.

Endless Space Collection itself, while never free to my knowledge, was sold for $1 USD last year.

Further of the games you have listed I own 6 of them; it's unlikely any random 10 are worth any decent value.

Beyond that it's not clear as to why you would offer to open an account for someone; why would they not be able to open it themselves?

Also I'm not really interested in offers; I have my heart set on Injustice 2 Ultimate & am trying to trade all items for it. Trading all items means it may be of a decent value to anyone interested. I'm offering 23 game keys, and if you count actual games it's 27 games & then there's a single application key & 2 DLCs as well. (Which, based on I2:U's sale price, means I'm trying to trade each of my games for about $1.50 USD; about a dollar less then one CS:GO key each.)

6 years ago*

you will get 10 other games random with name
i want for it only 1-3 games cheap
and i can give cupon card but this risk to same the CC on card
so i can make for you account with my CC i have die card i can open a lot account

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Nothing sorry.

6 years ago

Hello! Something here for Yooka-Laylee?

6 years ago

You've got 2 items that are interesting: Dark Souls Remastered & Endless Space 2 - Standard Edition.

6 years ago

Something here for Destiny 2 ?

6 years ago

There is no destiny 2.

6 years ago

[H] vermintide 1 (hb gift link)
[W] AER memories of old

6 years ago

Already have it. Thanks.

6 years ago

Hamilton's Great Adventure
Last Day of June
Laser League
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Moon Hunters
NBA Playgrounds
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC Steam key
Running With Rifles
Star Realms Full Version

Hello, my list for trade https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/ot7GL/trade-steam-games

6 years ago

No thanks.

6 years ago

laser league + tomb raider + yooka + overgrowth gift links for 2 tf2 keys?

6 years ago

No thanks.

6 years ago

Hi ! have small list here


6 years ago

Nothing sorry.

6 years ago

You don't have anything listed I'd want.
I will accept tf2/go keys if you want.

6 years ago

Star Realms for Steam?

6 years ago

This is a pre-steam key however they only produce a steam version now. (You have to use the client at http://www.starrealms.com/digital-game/ according to the key.)

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Hi! I'm interested in Leisure Suit Larry 1 (giftlink).

Here's my list, I have games and cards.

6 years ago

Sorry not really looking for anything not on my wishlists.

6 years ago

Overgrowth +tomb raider for 2 key?

6 years ago


6 years ago

add me

6 years ago

Added; we appear to be on different schedules... I'm around to about 7 A.M. PDT

6 years ago

Hi! I'm interested in Running With Rifles (giftlink).

Here's my list

I'm interested in GT Legends (giftlink).

Here's my list

6 years ago

Sorry; nothing I'm intersted in.

6 years ago

Nothing; sorry.

6 years ago

Your Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition (as gift link needed) for 1914 Gems?
(I'm sorry if you don't want gems. Then Consider as free bump, please)

6 years ago

I'm willing to trade for gems but a couple things I'd ask:

People are asking for about $1.50 USD for Darksiders 2: DE; that's about 2900 gems. I'd be willing to settle for about $1.20 USD which is about 2330 gems.

Beyond that I'd also ask you to go 1st simply because you have an aweful lot of negative rep; it makes me nervous.

If you're fine with those caveats then yeah I'm willing to trade.

6 years ago

My price based on 0,90€ (g2a) now at 0,95€ (2021 gems)
H:W Ratio 368:95

I'd be willing to settle for about $1.20 USD which is about 2330 gems.

Too much for me.

Beyond that I'd also ask you to go 1st simply because you have an aweful lot of negative rep; it makes me nervous.

People who get his first minus after 13 +reps makes me nervous.
Little math: 757 / 24 = 31,54 ... you don't have 31 +reps and you get nervous?!

I don't ever scammed someone or stole a game (or smth).

Since the price fails anyway, I still wish you all the best.
Thanks you for reply.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

Sorry; nothing I'm interested in & I don't deal in half keys.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

Sorry; I wasn't being clear.
I'm not interested; that was a refusal not a negotiation.

6 years ago*

I would like Little Nightmares and would like to offer either of these :
1 key
4500 gems
50 cards

If anything intrests you from the above add me, if not then thanks for your time, no need to answer if you are not interested :)
Happy trading!

6 years ago

Thanks, but I'll pass. Attempting a bulk clearance & ppl more likely to be intersted if I keep everything.

6 years ago

I'll take a hat in time for a key

6 years ago

Sorry; no longer trading... clearing out as a bulk item & that's it.

6 years ago

Hey :)

I'm interested in Acceleration of SUGURI 2, A Hat in Time, Bear With Me - Collector's Edition, Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!, Jalopy, Moon Hunters and Running With Rifles.

Let me know if there's anything you like https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/1UhfE/h-dungeons-3-soma-nuclear-throne-styx-shards-of-darkness-more-w-wishlistrocket-league-keys

6 years ago

Nothing interesting; sorry.

6 years ago

hi ı can give you 1 key for A Hat in Time

6 years ago

Sorry I'm just looking to sell everything at once now.

6 years ago

1.25 steam wallet euro for METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES ?

6 years ago

No thanks.
(Also that seems rather low.)

6 years ago

Nothing I'd be interested in. Sorry.

6 years ago

What about if I give some items valued higher than 16 key?

6 years ago

I'm always willing to entertain offers however I pretty much have everything I want that isn't bought specifically at this point; about the only things that have been bundled that I'm actually intersted in & don't have is the "Humble Software Bundle: VEGAS Pro Even More Creative Freedom" pack.
Anything from groupees or indiegala, no matter the price even with expired bundles, is of no interst at this point.

6 years ago

I said ITEMS, not games or bundles. So this is seemingly quite irrelevant. I'd honestly wouldn't give Vegas bundle tho. It's much higher than you ask for.

I specifically meant steam items which you can sell and buy keys or games or whatever you want.

6 years ago

As long as they're marketable I don't really care what they are; I just say keys as that's "standard".
What items specifically did you have in mind?

6 years ago

Pulsar Remnant
Sylvan Cascade
Peregrine Flight
Mandate of the Stormborn
Spoils of Dezun
Gimlek Decanter
Glaive of Oscilla
Wings of Daybreak
Golden Profane Union
Party On? Party Off
Transversant Soul
Cult of Aktok

some dota2 immortal I have and was thinking to cash them out. They should be slightly more or at least equal. If they are not I may add some items too.

You can check the prices. They are sold pretty fast and prices may differ from time to time.

6 years ago

Yeah it's close to what I'm shooting for but still a little under; those come out to about $20 local currency while 16 hydra keys is $22 local.
If you can get it a bit closer I'll be happy to trade... howere because of the # of items involved I won't be able to do any actual trade till this evening. Around 0400 UTC.

6 years ago

I didn't understand what you meant with '# of items involved' but inform me whenever you are ready to trade

6 years ago

I don't have the time to send items until christmas is done. :-) (Supper here is in half an hour.)
Are you confirming you're willing to add a couple items & go through with the trade then?

6 years ago

Right; if you want to trade add me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JunglePredator/
I'll be around till about 1000 UTC.
I'll check Steam every 15 mintues while I game in Battlefield 4 (I don't see notices).

6 years ago

How many Hydra for just A Hat In Time? I have/don't want the others.

6 years ago

Sorry; it's closed.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.
New Bundles