Hi, 5 to 4
Sanctum, Pixeljunk Ultimate Monster, POSTAL, speedball 2 HD, Numba Deluxe
for Silence of the Sleep, Project Earth, Ball of Light, Blood Ancestors
Hmmm would you accept project earth for pixeljunk ultimate monster, speedball 2 HD or sanctum?
I have
Occult preRaise
Bold New World
Dark Matter
Naval Warfare
Terra Lander
The Quest for Achievements II
True Bliss
Interest in
Ball of Light
P-walkers Simulation
Gray Matter
Silence of the Sleep
Tropico 4: Collectors bundle
I have
I'm interested in Tropico 4: Collectors bundle
Anything for day of the tentacle remastered?
I'd have done it for one of the tier 2 games, but I already have all of them, maybe I might pick killing floor for it, but if you have any more tier2-ish games, tell me
I'll think for a bit
Ok. I won't have any tier 2 games for a while. I literally done a trade about 2 hours ago that took 6 of my tier 2 games. I can trade 2 games for it if necessary if that helps you think any better. (These are only keys)
I'll wait a bit since I have them all, the purpose of killing floor was for trading
Hey, I see that you changed the title of the post. Whatever games you don't have or want in my list for RPG maker. I can do a trade, nonetheless, it's still taking time to find more better games XD might be able to trade endless space 1 from the new bundle if you're interested
Nothing I'm interested on, sorry
Kinda keeping it for either a really good offer or adding a bunch of games on it for dark souls 3
for some reason with +33 rep you should pick your nose somewhere else maybe :)
maybe the definition of fair for you is to offer a 40$ non bundle game for that, but it's not for me!
Oh, I didn't realize how hostile you were.
I recommend you could possibly watch your aggressiveness to customers.
Sorry, it was none of my business in replying. I wasn't trying to antagonize.
lol dude! I'm not aggressive, you take it on yourself! these are all bundled games, and I just gave him an offer based on what I had from his wanted list, he can take it or leave it, just as simple as that! no pressure or forcing someone to do it.
if you think it was aggressive, then i'm sorry, didn't mean to :)
Reply below my offer, I will then also be informed correctly. ;)
Kerbal Space Program maybe? (could also as keycode)
Hey, interested in saints row 2, knights of the old republic, primal carnage: extinction and van helsing.
Here are some games that i didnt notice in your list, let me know if any of them interest you
Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition
Clumsy Chef
16-bit Trader
My Loved Heart
Space Girls
Project Earth
Adam and Eve: The Game - Chapter 1
AironBall The Floating Lands
Mata Hari
World of Mixed Martial Arts 3
Dungeons 2
Space Legends: At the Edge of the Universe
Small Town Terrors: Galdor's Bluff Collector's Edition
Lost Chronicles of Zerzura
Dark years
Bones Game online
Aeve: Zero gravity
Beach Restaurant
Bold New World
Car mechanic simulator 2014
The Safeguard Garrison: Space Colonies
Chaos and the White Robot
Lock Parsing
Perfect Universe
Greedy Trolley
Psi Project: Legacy
Quest for Achievements II
Lost Moon
Soldier of Failure
Survival Tycoon
hi, something from for kerbal and rpg maker vx ace?
Hey! Anything for Dead Rising 4?
Nothing I can see, dead rising 4 will probably not be traded because I think I'll keep it
Hello, I'm looking for Kerbal Space Program, Saints Row the Third Full Package, Endless Legend Classic Edition, HunieCam Studio, AER Memories of Old, Overgrowth, GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R, Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced and Beholder if you see something here and / or here
Hello, I'm the creator of Kaz Ball. It saddens me to see that the keys I've given out are being traded and sold.
I generally give them out for people who trade with me, as a gift, or to friends
Never asked anything for em :p
Still dude. You're going to make someone a little irritated: the key you claimed is bound to your Steam ID. If someone else gets it from you, and activates it, it will get revoked once we enter Early Access, because our system checks our player database against the keys claimed and checks to see if the key claim resulted in a new player logging in. It won't find your Steam ID, and it will revoke that key.
This irritates the person that you gave the key to, and then they'll likely come asking me for support on how to reactivate their account, and why they no longer have the game. On top of that, you risk adding one more negative review to my game by a peeved player who thinks I yanked their key unfairly, etc, etc.
Please, use your key to play the game or don't. But, please don't trade it -- it's a waste of your trading partner's time, a potential waste of mine, bad for your trading reputation, and potentially threatens the reviews of my game.
Not if you claimed it from gamecode, which doesn't ask for your steam ID also could you please take it to messages or something? This is way too big for a trading thread
Good on you mate. Fully support you standing up to having your product devalued, your work put at risk, and your generosity exploited.
Hello andlu! anything for max payne 2 and kerbal? acabo de ver que es brazileiro hehe depois diga algo :)
Crazy Machines 3
Door Kickers!
Laser League
Goat Simulator
Castle Torgeath: Descent into Darkness
Super Sports Surgery
Golem Creation Kit
Tropico 5+DLCs
Kingdom: New Lands
Rusty Lake: Roots
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Aviary Attorney
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?!
Last Day of June
Kathy Rain
Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
Silence of the Sleep
Car Mechanic Simulator 2014
Gray Matter
Dungeons 2
Perfect Universe
Black The Fall
The Norwood suite
Super Turbo Demon Busters!
Cities in Motion 2
Majesty 2 Collection
The Journey Down: Chapter Two
Killing Floor
Toybox Turbos
Uurnog Uurnlimited
Flat Heroes
The Flame in the Flood
3X DLC Civilization VI - Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
3X DLC Civilization VI - Vikings Scenario Pack
Fallout New Vegas for Aviary Attorney, Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! and The Norwood Suite?
Kerbal Space Program
2 leys
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
or somthimg from here
Wouldn't do it for the GTAs or 2 keys, closest game would be mad Max, but wouldn't be that interested either. Is that all you want?
Want Fallout New Vegas UE
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Lara Croft GO
Mafia 3 and Signs of time DLC
Outlast 2
[W] Kerbal Space Program
[H] 2 of the following:
I am Bread
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
The Forest
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Planetary Annihilation TITANS
I would be fine with it if you found another game like the forest to add to the trade
What can these get me?
Crazy Machines 3
Moon Hunters
Running with Rifles
Seems really unlikely but any of these for all 4...
Ultra Street Fighter® IV
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
sorry, I'd be better off buying the bundle than trading dungeon for it, anything else you want for it? (or anything else you can offer for dungeon)
maybe here for prismata?
[H] Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons or Reigns [Key or Steam Gift]
[W] Ultra Street Fighter IV
Sorry, brothers isn't that high up on my list for USF (if you manage to get max payne 3 again then I'll trade)
You want anything from here?
Do i have anything here that interests you ?
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil 4
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package
for any of these:
Stick Fight: The Game
Duck Game
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth
Rampage Knight
Doodle Devil
Red Risk
Sorry, those two aren't that high in my wishlist, so I prefer the 4 tf 2 keys offer for now
Do you have anything else in my wishlist? with more keys I can get the games I want more than GTA 3/vice city
yeah those are basically the minor games on my wishlist, here is the complete thing
either way, I'm more interested in complete key offers, as they give me more generally, with games being cheaper in brazil, but keys being regular price, selling them gives me a better chance of getting stuff I want
Updated my list again.
Your list only has two games left that i dont own yet, which is Resident Evil 4 and Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Has Resident Evil 4 been traded yet or is it still available?
This is what i have, Everything is available except Styx, pending in trade offer, if you want more than one game, do let me know and then we go from there.
I understand, is there stuff in my list you would want to trade for resident Evil 4 so that i can keep them aside for now at least,?
oh yeah, didn't trade, but someone offered me 2 keys for it, so I'll stick to that unless someone beats it
Im putting a buy order in when payday comes for me, which keys do you want,? if you still have it month end ill see baout getting you some keys.
Then i can go buy it cheaper at one of the retailers so then im passing on it, thank you.
Is this key fine with you , let me know then i will place a buy order for two of them for you this afternoon or tomorrow morning, just waiting for my money to clear.
Perfect once the buy order has been placed and i got the keys ill add you on steam and then when the 7day hold is up we can sort out the trade.
Give me prices on these when you can, those are games i dont own yet so let me see if can get them from you.
Left 4 dead 2
Warhammer 3
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Sakura Angels
hmmm I'm afraid left 4 dead, fallout new vegas ultimate edition and sakura angels aren't worth it for you to buy, since they're overpriced (they're gifts)
warhammer 3, I'd do for 3 clutch
chivalry medieval for 2 (can be the cheapest keys)
Hello. Would you be willing to accept Watchdogs(I actually have a brand new sealed physical PC disc with Uplay code included) Uplay code from your wishlist for Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition.
You can also check other games from my tradelist you might like:
Hello! I'm sorry but I'm only interested in destiny 2 and resident evil 5 gold edition for fallout from the list. Also, while I wanna play watch dogs, I wanna play it on steam, not Uplay
Hello. Actually I am thinking of keeping Destiny 2, but I might be willing to trade Resident evil 5 gold edition for Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition.
I understand your steam preference though. A lot of gamers don't like using Uplay but I personally haven't had problems playing any of my 36 games on my Uplay launch client. In some cases playing a Ubisoft game on steam just adds more DRM links to the game since it still connects to Uplay before launching which adds more complications and input lag when launching the game.
anything here for fallout new vegas
If you can get stuff in my really really want list, then yes
But for a fallout new vegas ultimate edition global steam tradeable gift, I don't see anything, heck, I'm not even sure about destiny 2 for it
TF2 Key
Jumanji: Wild Adventures
My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
PAW Patrol: Grand Prix
Paw Patrol: On A Roll
FirSTLike ⟶ Steam // Steamtrades
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