I am interested in:
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
My Lovely Wife
Something from my list for it? My list:
Hi! Would you be interested in something from here for The Mummy Demastered?
Anything here for 9 Years of Shadows?
Kardboard Kings: Card Shop Simulator
Sucker for Love: First Date
Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers
The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Hello, nothing I see that I would trade for it :(. Thank you for your offers tho :)
My Lovely Wife against something on my list?
Hello, sorry nothing I see that I would trade for it. Thank you for your offers tho
Gylt against something on my list?
Hey, would you be interested in trade 1 TF2 key for "Shantae and the Pirate's Curse"?
Hello interested in something on my list:
Hollow Knight?
Hello, sorry but I didnt see anything I would play. Thank you for your offers tho :)
anything for hollow knight?
Hello, I may be interested in The Outer Worlds but idk yet :). Let me know if you have something new by then :)
will do. Im planning to buy ign fan fest bundle before it ends (for loop hero and islets), if you'd like something other than thoose games just tell me.
Also just in case you did not notice, outer worlds is region locked, only works if you're in SEA i think
Hello, appreciated on looking on my wishlist. But it's not on my high want, sorry for that. Got any other offers? :)
Hello there, kinda interested in RE7 but RE7 and Village bundle on steam is kinda tempting to buy ;v
Edit: Is there anything I can add for that? Depending on the title, I might go for it :)
well, I appreciate the offer, but consider your other option, the bundle on steam. I don't see anything not already in my library to add. but I can offer more than one for Pseudo. for instance, Wadget eye games makes excellent point and click adventure games. did something else interest you?
Hey, anything here for Pseudoregalia?
Are you interested in any of these?
Fallout 4
Dishonored 2
Mortal Kombat XL
Kardboard Kings
Arcade Paradise
Might be interested in Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2. Depending on what games you're after :)
Hello, interested in anything from for Pseudoregalia?
Hi,i have a list of games
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
V-Rally 4
Metro 2033 Redux
Syberia II
Teslagrad Remastered
Cats in Time
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Trade for Eastward:
Hi, anything here for Afterimage or 9 years of shadows?
Hello, there's nothing I see that I would play sorry. Thank you for your offers tho :)
Hi. Are you interested in anything for RESIDENT EVIL 2?
Hi, is there anything here you'd be interested in for 9 Years of Shadows or Eastward?
Hey would you trade Endling - Extinction is Forever for steam cards? If yes how many
Was that for Level Up stuff? Sorry but not interested :) Thank you for your offers tho :)
Hello again, how about 1.5 TF2 key for Praey for the Gods + Resident Evil 7 Biohazard?
Here are the prices that I offer for each:
Praey for the Gods = 0.5 TF2 key
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard = 1 TF2 key
Hello sir or ma'am, IsTooFeed. 1 TF2 keys for Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition and Mail Time? Let me know please and thanks for your time and kindness, sir or ma'am IsTooFeed.
Hiya! Anything from my list for Dont Be Afraid and Venba? Let me know!
Hi there!
2 TF2 keys for Endling
1 TF2 key for Shantae and the Pirate's Curse?
Hi, 1 tf2 key for Life is Strange: True Colors
2 tf2 key for Mafia: Definitive Edition?
Hello, I am interested in:
Mail Time
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Don't Be Afraid
My Lovely Wife
Are you interested in any game?
hello there. id like to have 9 years of shadows. check my somewhat short list. i can offer multiple games if you want.
Hello, sorry but there's nothing I would play. Thank you for your offers tho :)
Anything for Praey for the Gods, Life is strange true colours
Didnt see anything I would trade for those 2, unfortunately. Thank you for your offers tho :)
Hello, sorry but didn't see anything I would play. Thank you for your offers tho :)
The mummy
for anything here:
Hello, didnt see anything I would play sorry. Thank you for your offers tho :)
A - E
Bionic Commando Rearmed (Region Locked)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Eternal Threads
F - R
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Meeple Station
Orbital Bullet - The 360 Rogue-lite
Roboquest (Key Exhausted ATM)
S - W
Saints Row (Restrictions)
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin - Ultimate Edition (Region Locked)