Hi, would you be interested in anything from my list for your Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy?
Hi. I found GARAGE: Bad Trip on your wishlist. Would you be interested in trading Jusant for it?
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Not sure if I want to trade Jusant for JUST Garage (it's a bit low priority for me).
I might do it for Garage and some other low price game, but I haven't decided on which one.
I'm only interested in Steam games. I will ignore people offering me TF2 keys, gems, or anything else.
Link to my wishlist:
Games I am looking for the most:
You can send offers for games not in my wishlist, but I will only accept them if they are fair. No cheap games, no NSFW games, and no games with mixed/negative ratings.
Please don't add me on Steam until a deal is made, and if you receive a friend request, MAKE SURE I am the one who sent it.
Oh, and please don't forget to give me a +REP after the trade.