Sorry for late Reply but seems to be like "The Better SteamTrades" forgot to have a way to let us know when we receive a reply or message.
Anyway: Unfortunately my last copy was sold yesterday, but no rowrries! I'm trying to get my hands on another copy for you, ok? Just give me some time.
looking for aftershock
I have Don't Starve Together. Interested in Risen 2: Dark Waters, Sacred 2: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third (all in 1 link)
I'd be interested in just Alien Breed or Dead Island GOTY. Which Star Wars games did you want for either of them (already sold all the $12 tier ones). I'll understand if you're no longer interested in the trade if those were your main focus. D;
Well, I can possibly take some of the Lower Tier ones and try to get one of the highest tier. I'll take my chances:
Alien Breed for KOTOR 2 and Republic Commando
Dead Island is preferably on sale since it contains also Saints Row 3rd. I'll do that one for Paypal $5.99 as marked.
Let me know! :)
The issue is you just traded Necrovision :/
We can do it for Paypal or this pack (check if it's not Region Locked before you purchase):
Let me know :)
Can you please hold on to ARMA 2 Combined Opreations? I might have another copy of Necrovision
EDIT: It looks like I don't have it. Man I'm really sorry :/ I'd give you the whole list for that game if you want
UFO: Afterlight
Alpha Prime
Fish Fillets 2
Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC
All of them for KOTOR 2
They are humblebundle gift link.
do you still have Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II?
i have Last Remnant to trade...
Sold it a while ago and already got The Last Remnant. Anything else you fancy from my list? Do you have a Trade List? Thanks
Sure! And I'll throw in my sister :)
Theatre of War for Oberkimmando West CoH2: Interestellar Marines is sale pending now something from here but this all games will be on my account and i will give you it for something
I'm supposed to receive an "Equipment Pack" today but we're not sure if that activates the game itself. If it doesn't, then we can do the trade for sure!
Give me a few hours, oki?
Oh, cmon! Show the world you deserve this game. Last time I've got 3 keys for it, so make it at least 2. Those keys are going on the low for now and TF2 are on the rise. Keep that in mind and let's do it, Abe =D
While it's more expensive than the other 2 in the bundle, I got each for one key. Feels wrong to pay double for it.
I have a gift copy of super meatboy or How to Survive if you'd want to do a trade for either of those?
Anything from here for Call of Pripyat? I know you have the Star Wars games, but I'd be willing to give you 2 of my Bulletproof bundle games for it.
I have Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, and I'm interested in Call of Pripyat.
Added to talk.
We talked too much and did nothing on the end. And your Good Price was at the end a haggling battle LOL
Interested in Hamilton's Great Adventure (Steam Gift & ROW) for How to Survive ?
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle + Oozi: Earth Adventure + Defy Gravity Extended for STALKER Call of Pripyat ?
All games are in gift. row and tradables. :)
[H] Brutal Concussion DLC for AaAaAA!!!, Cthulhu Saves the World, Ionball 2: Ionstorm and Clockwork Tales: Of Glass & Ink [W] Murdered Soul Suspect
Kane & Lynch Collection for anything here?
I am really interested in Tomb Raider, I have the following games for trade:
Monaco: Whats yours is Mine
Dead Island: Epidemic
System Shock 2
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Draw A Stickman EPIC
Pixel Piracy
Dead Space 3 (Origin)
Cities In Motion
Surgeon Simulator 2013
I have all of them (and some even with extra copies) but we can always do Paypal or 3 TF2 keys if you want ^^
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat for anithyng form my list?
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