I have these:
And a Left 4 Dead 2 Booster pack.
Do you want to make any trade for your Orcs Must Die 2 Complete and/or The Darkness 2?
I've already got Limbo and Batman, and I don't really use Origin, thanks though.
Hmmm, I don't know anything about that game, but it looks interesting. Is your copy tradable?
Overlord + Raising Hell expansion, Jericho, Dark Sector, Star Wolves 3, Garshasp TD, Garshasp MS, Men of War Condemned Heroes, XIII century gold, Naval Warfare
any of those interests you?
Not specifically, but I like tradables better than keys, so if there's a key you're interested in that I'm not too attached to, we might be able to make a deal.
Nah, Darkness II is still a $5 game as far as I know, so I'd be looking for a lot more than 3 refs. Thanks though.
That sounds like a fair deal. Also, if you want to swap some of your extra Skyrim emoticons/backgrounds for some of my extra Terraria emoticons/backgrounds, I'd be up for that too. :)
Sorry, I've already got all of those games I'd be interested in. Thanks though.
I would be interested in The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb. I could offer you 2 ref.
have Contagion and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream from your wishlist.
interested in transformers and Orcs Must Die: GOTY, or Orcs Must Die 2: Complete Pack
Ah, I actually got Mouth/Scream last night from the Blink Bundle, but I forgot to update my wishlist here. If you want, we can still try to work something out for Contagion. I wouldn't trade Transformers for it straight up, though.
hmm just curious how attached you are to "Super MNC" free game.. would 1ref work? (just buying for the +1 to library)
trade offer link here if u want or you can check here but u have all i believe.
I don't really know what I would want for it. I think I'm waiting until I get a "must take" offer, because I really have no idea what they might be worth to someone. So I'll pass on the 1 ref offer, thanks though.
Fortix (key) + Knytt Underground (key) for Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack
Hey, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. For Trine 2 Complete Story, I'd want 12 random cards.
Your GTA IV for 10 cards and all of this games? Stealth Bastard Deluxe,Port Royale 3, King's Bounty: Legions True Tactician Ultimate Pack, Iron Sky: Invasion, Steel Storm: Complete Edition, Naval Warfare
Sorry, I just purchased that bundle last night, so I've already got all those games.
I would like to trade for the basement collection gift and the Fairy Bloom Freesia Key, for 15 cards? I think thats enough.
I'd be looking for 2 keys or 50 random cards, possibly fewer if you have cards I like.
Organ Trail is tricky, because the game itself drops 8 cards. I think the lowest I could go on pure random cards would be 18. If you've got cards from any of the sets I mentioned above though, I could take a couple fewer.
I actually just traded GTA IV last night. For Saints Row The Third, I'd be looking for 40 random cards. However, it looks like you have some cards I'd definitely be interested in (Skyrim, both Bit.Trip.Runner games). If you include all of those, I'd lower the price to 35 total cards.
i would like to have burnout paradise. I have giana sisters, red shirt, il2 sturmikov 1946. ill be glad to give you more than one. add me to make a deal and quick trade. have a good day.
Hi, how many cards for these games below:
Cubemen 2
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
anything here for cubeman 2?
I've already got everything from that list that I'd be interested in, thanks for the offer though.
Do you accept cards for The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb?, If you do who much?...added to disccuss
I would accept cards for BoI and the DLC, sure. I'd be looking for about 25 cards, maybe fewer if you have stuff I'm looking for.
well I have about 19 random cards but I have a code for thief gold to use in amazon idk if you want that too, I tried it and it works but is only for na, so i can't use it
I'd be looking for 40 random cards for OMD2, maybe down to ~32 if you've got a lot of cards I'm looking for.
I'd be looking for 20 random cards, discounted if you include cards from any of the games from my short list above.
Hi, I'd trade Two Brothers for 10 random cards. If you have any Skyrim or Game Dev Tycoon or Magic 2014 cards, I'd be willing to discount the price.
Post a message here first, please. It helps me keep track of offers and verify your identity when you add me.
This is a direct link to my profile.
To make it easier to complete deals, I've designated a rough price in refined metal for each item I've got. The "conversion rates" are below. If you'd like to negotiate, especially if you're interested in multiple items, I'm happy to do so. All offers will be considered. Tradables preferred over keys. Obviously, no key codes for games I already own. Games, TF2/Dota2/CS:GO keys, refined metal, CS:GO gun skins, booster packs, and trading cards are all welcome. No PayPal, please.
1 ref (refined metal) = 5 cards
3.5 ref = 1 Tour of Duty ticket
7.5 ref = 35 cards = 1 TF2/CS:GO/Dota2 key
Complete Card Sets
Bundled Keys
Individual Keys
Wishlist (in alphabetical order, bolded games I really want)