add me on steam ok and ill tell you more ill give you the selection its HUGE!
just go to steam okay my name is billyjacki add me and my picture is jew-jitsu
i either want
1)1 copy of Reign of Kings and 1 copy of H1Z1
2) 2 copies of Reign Of Kings
3) 2 Copies of H1Z1
You really don't get it, do you? Rep 0/0, 1 year-old level 4 account, 14 games, 4 posts in under 5 minutes.
Third and last time: What would you like in exchange?
i either want
1)1 copy of Reign of Kings and 1 copy of H1Z1
2) 2 copies of Reign Of Kings
3) 2 Copies of H1Z1
Hello, im interested in the payday 2 masks, i have many cards/booster packs, or if you prefeir something else just letme know, thankyou.
interested in Flower Shop: Summer in Fairbrook,
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Talisman Prologue or AERENA - CLASH OF CHAMPIONS for Yet another Zombie defense?
I'd take Aerena, but I gotta now if this version drops cards (The site says it does, but it's no longer on Steam). Do you have anything else?
I have very little to offer that you don't have. How about Haegemonia - The Solon Heritage or Haegemonia: Legions of Iron?
hola , te acabo de enviar una invitacion y te puesto un mensaje pero me has ignorado ¿no tienes nada de juegos ?
Tengo, pero llegaste de golpe a escribirme en el perfil y dejando un link. Naturalmente me puse a la defensiva. ¿Qué buscas exactamente?
yo voy de buen royo tio como veras tengo limpisima la cuenta y no queiro estafar ni hacer perder el tiempo a nadie me gustaria saber si tienees todavia el Five Nights at Freddy's y por cuantas cartas ....Gracias y perdona por todo no hace falta que me bloques :D que visto que me has metido un bloqueo
Sí, lo tengo. Arriba dejé precios en cartas. Voy a desbloquearte. Perdona, pero estoy quisquilloso con el tema de los links en el profile.
te comprendo tio no a pasado nada .... :D y gracias por desbloquearme :D solo te queria decir poner tu link para que supieras de lo que te hablo JAJJAA perdona
No sé cómo desbloquearte, m8. Fui a tu profile y no me da la opción de desbloquearte en "más". Tampoco en mi lista de amigos ni las opciones. ¿Sabes cómo hacerlo?
Si, tienes que ir donde esta tu nombre supongo que es Rommers darle por enciam y pinchar donde dice amigos , una vez dentro de amigos darle a USUARIOS BLOQUEADOS hay te aparecere yo y en desbloquear quitas el chulito que hay listo
Lol! I was just revisiting prices, but don't worry. I'll keep the previous one for you.
Let me get gack to you. I really don't know about the "price" of those things. When I figure it out I'll let you know.
Thanks for stopping by.
Would You be interested in anything from the list below?
Knytt Underground, Prelogate, Redshirt, BeatBlasters III, Mini Motor Racing EVO, Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends, Dark Scavenger, Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition, Angvik, QbQbQb, Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge, Battlepaths, RefleX, Little Racers STREET, Grimm: Complete, Oknytt, Star Wolves 3: Civil War, Beast Boxing Turbo, Driftmoon, Enclave, Gun Monkeys, Thief: Gold Edition, Magicka: Wizard Wars, PID, Sinister City, Zombie Shooter, Zombie Shooter 2, Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter: Conscription, Wickland
anything interest in
for Fist of jesus?
can I get gunspell from you for cards please :) or if you prefer games heres my list
Your cards don't work too much for me, but I can have "Instant dungeon" and 3 cards. Add me if it's OK to you.
how many cards for lara croft? pls pick from my inventory
I'm sorry, but your cards come from free games, mostly. I have plenty of those.
Actually, yes.
1) Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus + Darkstone
2) Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus + GunWorld
Whatever suits you.
Add me if you agree.
I'll take the five (3 cards, 2 no cards) to replace the 4th one. If you provide 3 cards, I'll take the first four. Please add me if you agree.
PS: You've got a competitor. The first one takes it home.
Something here for Double Dragon Neon?
Bad Hotel
Gemini Rue
Wanderlust: Rebirth*
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
I'll take the five (3 cards, 2 no cards) to replace the 4th one. If you provide 3 cards, I'll take the first four. Please add me if you agree.
PS: You've got a competitor. The first one takes it home.
Shank is the one I'm looking for. I'll give you the game you want plus any other game except for these ones: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Double Dragon: Neon - Fist of Jesus - Five Nights at Freddy's - Bloodrayne Betrayal.
No more room for offers.
I am afraid for Shank i want Double Dragon: Neon+Silence of the Sleep.I own all of your other games.
Hello I see that you are buying games that you lack. However, I don't see a listed price at which you buy said games (e.g. 1 bundle game = ? Sacks of Gems / Trading Cards).
Well, It always depends on the games and the quantity, but for "normal" bundle games I'm offering 2 sacks every 3 games.
Thanks for the fast reply. I'll add you for later trading, if that's ok. I see many games in your future :)
I'm sorry if this offends you, but I ignored your request. You've got no reputation and your Steam account is very modest. I can't imagine where are you gonna get games to offer me if you don't even have 50 for yourself. I simply cannot trust you right now.
Offends me? Why not at all. However I am a bit confused as to the risk you mentioned, because I don't see the risk in it; me giving you the keys, you activating them, and then you giving me the Sacks of Gems. Sorry, I am just confused.
Interested in something from here?
Interested in Five Nights At Freddy's.
Game list
Numba Deluxe
Gravity Badgers
Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
Ducati World Championship
Radical Roach Deluxe
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Afterfall Insanity - Extended Edition
I can offer you Talisman Difital Edition for Ampu-Tea or Inside the Gear ... interested?
Theare are 2 I don't have: "RIPD the game" and "Qualia 3", but the first one is tied to a bundle. So pick one and we can trade for Qualia 3
Anything from here for Biology Battle?
Day One, but I'm being offered a ToD on the next post, which I find more atractive. If there's no trade I can let you know.
Your cards come from free (or really cheap) games, which drop the price of those cards. Besides, I already have those badges.
I could trade, but unfortunately I care about cards, too. If you add 3 cards of my choosing or 5 of yours, then we have a deal.
You can do an offer for cards on steam first
If I don't accept, than I do an offer 5 cards to you until everything ok
We trade games while cards offer done
Hey :D, I have Pahelika Revelations HD, if you're interested I would want any of these:
A bird Story (I will add 3 cards to the deal, 22 cents net value)
Silence of the Sleep
Sine mora
Steam keys from bundles, Steam wallet, Steam trading cards
Please read details on topic description
Compare MY game list with YOUR Steam account:
Copy my raw game list and paste it in Compare2Steam. The results will tell you which games from my list you don't have.
Compare YOUR game list with MY Steam account:
Copy your "games for trade" list and paste it here. The results will tell you which games from your list I don't have.
Removed games
Open to offers
Popular, rare, packs or special format games. Pay the price or offer games in the same tier (From Humble Monthly, for example)
Games I don't have, Steam Wallet, PayPal, sellable Steam items (Trading cards, gems, keys, Tour of Duty tickets, etc.).
I can basically accept any games I don't have, specially if they drop trading cards
If It's for Steam and I don't have it, just offer it!
Games on my account
Important: On December 18th, 2015 I stopped buying bundles, so there's a good chance we can trade newer games if you offer them.
PayPal Prices:
Regular games
We can talk about featured and removed games.
I trade Steam only. Everything here is for Steam.
Please don't offer me Gifts, unless you want to trade them for my own gifts or value them like my keys. I won't overpay for gift format.
Steam Wallet payments: Deals are made in US dollars. Fees are on you.