I think you have most of the games I have, but interested in anything from here for Natural Selection 2, Magicka, and/or Sanctum 2?
Sadly, I already have LOTR: WITN. Do you have anything else? I'm still interested in trading Just Cause.
Magicka + DLC, Sanctum Collection, Orc Must Die! GOTY, Cities in Motion 2, all from Jumbo Bundle. One for Trine 2, interested?
I have and will gladly trade the following:
1x - Just Cause
1x - Natural Selection 2
1x - Sanctum 2
1x - Magicka + DLC
1x - Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack
1x - Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
1x - Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
1x - Trine 2: Complete Story
1x - Bastion
1x - LIMBO
1x - RocketBirds: Hard Boiled Chicken
1x - Capsized
1x - Indie Game: The Movie
1x - Closure
1x - Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC
1x - Brazen Prototype
1x - Amnesia Fortnight 2012 Prototypes
1x - Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers
1x - English Country Tune
1x - Intrusion 2
1x - Oil Rush
1x - The Graduation Bundle (1000 Amps, Dead Pixels, The Void)
1x - Ichi
1x - Evil Quest
1x - LaserCat
Please feel free to make offers - I'll accept Paypal, keys of all sorts, as well as tradables. I'm not interested in trading cards, currently.