Not sure I really want something there.
We are already connected, so if you like we can negotiate on Steam.
Torchlight II is a gift and worth 2.5-3 keys.
Are any of yours gifts or keys?
My bad I thought you meant tf2 keys when you said keys.
The games are all steam cd-keys.
I have Deadsky activated and A highborn key.
I tried to interest a friend who was interested in Dead sky - Waiting for an answer.
Hopefully it would be available and you would still have the game.
Apologies for the delay.
I'll be getting the Dead Sky and Highborn key from someone else, but they still have a whole bunch left so i'll be good.
But what games are we trading now?
Any of the following for Bardbarian or maybe a few cards?
Zeno Clash
English Country Tune
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
Little Inferno
Gemini Rue
Waking Mars
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time
Shattered Haven
Hacker Evolution Duality
il 2-sturmovik 1946
Infected: The Twin Vaccine
I am interested on some of your games... tell me if u are interested on some of these that I saw that u don´ t own and then I will say which of these I am interested (if u want some of my games).
Hoard Complete Pack,
Dear Esther,
Papo & Yo,
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine,
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians,
Killing floor,
Gun Monkeys,
Rock of Ages,
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers.
any of my bundle keys for scourge: outbreak?
im interested in shad'o. i can trade for ravensword, xotic complete, huntsman or lucius. thanks
Toki Tori 2+, King Arthur II: The Role Playing Wargame, Unearthed - Trail of Ibn Battuta for anything here:
Humble Bundle Gift Links:
The first two I can find Anodyne, and maybe ssomething else.
Unearthed I will keep for something more lucrative.
Adding you.
Don't really need anything. I can take Reus for trading.
Edit - Thanks for the trade!!!
If you are joking its a sad one. If not - Well..
The DLC alone worth more than risk right now. I know its on sale
Aarklash : Legacy
Unearthed - Trail of Ibn Battuta
Heroes of Steel, Spice Road, and much more here:
Anything from list below for Iron Sky Invasion?
Thanks for the offer. There's nothing I really need, will take another look shortly to see if there's something I can take for trading purposes.
We are connected so we can discuss on chat.
Risk is a gift - Do you have gifts to trade?
War of the human - Didn't find anything I miss in your list. How about 1 key?
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle --- How much Ref u want ? My offer is 3 Ref
Hippocampal - Desura - 1 Ref
Thanks :)
Sounds a little low offer for Morgane. I don't know how much it is worth but since i am the only one that has it on ST i'd say 1 tf2 key makes sense. Will add Hippocampal for free.
I agree to Hippocampal for 1 ref if you want.
Edit: Hippocampal traded. Thanks!
Hi. Are you interested in something from these for Vampire Bloodlines?
STEAM gifts:
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time, Giana Sisters Complete + Owlverlord DLC, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Hamilton's Great Adventure, Naval Warfare, Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians, Guacamelee! Gold, Alternativa, The Dig, Shadowgrounds Pack, Postal 2 Complete, Gun Monkeys
STEAM keys:
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Sanctum Collection, Grimm: Complete Series, Mark Of the Ninja, Legends of Aethereus, Type:Rider, The Journey Down: Chapter One, Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror, FEZ, Infected: the Twin Vaccine, One Finger Death Punch, Ultratron, Bridge Constructor, Pid, Ravensword: Shadowlands, Lucius, Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead, AquaNox, IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946, Sideway™ New York, Kingdom Rush, Bionic Dues, UFO Extraterrestrials Gold, Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe, Gravity Badgers, Starseed Pilgrim, 1953 - KGB Unleashed, Hoard, Incredipede, Knights of Pen & Paper, Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit
Hi, something about my list for War of the human tanks ??
Maybe if I take multiple for re-trading. Nothing I really after right now.
Willing to trade for 1 tf2 key as well.
Sorry but the only game I am interested is Vampire - Bloodlines and is a gift (mine Gray Matter is a key)
Hmm, I am willing to offer a trade for Bloodlines: Gray matter + Millennium + 1key
Gray is in a running bundle of 4$ so let's say 1 TOD Let's say about the same for Millennium so that leaves about 1key.
Sorry but I have no keys yet. I am agree to give more than one game because yuou know the value of the games but I haven´t in my inventory anything more than a Takedown gift and a gun monkeys gift.
Now Gray Matter is gone. But still I can suggest you a change,
Would you change your Galaxy on Fire 2 HD with MILLENNIUM (I have)?
8 hours after my message I traded Galaxy on Fire 2. So this topic must be closed, but I prefer to tell the truth better than erase the messages that creates a doubth in those who read it "deleted"
Accepting all kinds of offers (TF2 keys, refs, Cards, Game offers)
Steam Gifts (ROW)
Avadon 2: The Corruption
Don't Starve - Reign of Giants DLC
Orcs Must Die: GOTY Game of the Year
Retro City Rampage
Risk Of Rain
Sanctum 2
Skulls of the Shogun
Stellar impact (Complete with all DLCs)
Tomb Raider GOTY
Torchlight II
Vampire - Bloodlines
HB Gift Link
HB Sega weekly non-bta (Rome TW, Hell yeah, Alpha Protocol, Company of heroes)
Bridge constructor
Broken Sword 2
Giana Sisters : Twisted Dreams
Neo Scavenger
Ravensword : Shadowlands
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol : Pacific Skies
Sid Meier's Railroads
Syder Arcade
To The Moon
Type Rider
Steam Keys (HB and otherwise)
4 Elements
A Game of Dwarves: Gold Edition (Inc 3 DLC)
Aarklash : Legacy
American Conquest
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite
Batman : Arkhams Origins DLC
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle
Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars
Cossacks: European Wars
Dawn of Fantasy : Kingdom wars
Dead Hungry Diner
Dollar Dash (+3 DLCs)
Dynamite Jack
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD
Gravity badgers
Greed Corp
Grotesque Tactics
Hero of the Kingdom
Heroes of Annihilated Empires
Humans Must Answer
IL-2 : Sturmovik - 1946
Incoming Forces
Iron Sky: Invasion
Kaptain Brawe
King Arthur II: The Role Playing Wargame
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North WOTN
Legend of Aethereus
Light of Altair
Millennium - A New Hope
One Finger Death Punch
Pacific Storm
Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Probably Archery
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny
Red Orchestra: OstFront 41-45
Rise of Flight + 2 DLCs
Saturday Morning RPG
SpaceForce Rogue Universe
Ticket to ride
Ticket to ride USA 1910
Unearthed - Trail of Ibn Battuta
Velvet Assassin
War of the human tanks
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
Medal of Honor
Command and Conquer - Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Popcap weekly NON-BTA
Silent Hunter V
Airship Dragoon
Crystal Towers 2
Potatoman Seeks The Troof
Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe
Super Panda adventures
The body Changer
Desktop Dungeons
Halo: Spartan Assault