I have...

My Steam ID: AKQJ10Please

My inventory

My Barter.VG Link

Send me a trade offer!

Check my Barter.vg link above for an actual up-to-date list of things that I have, as this list (and prices) are not updated! I DON'T LIKE "Adding to talk;" I prefer to know EXACTLY what you may be interested in before adding. This is to quickly, safely trade. Please comment or offer here or at my Barter.VG page. Prices can be flexible!

Steam Gifts Cards? Want [1 key = $1.95; 18 ref; 55 cards] [1 ref = 3 cards; $0.15 Steam Wallet; $0.10 PayPal] [1 TOD = 1.5 Sacks of Gems; 9 ref]
Steam Wallet (Make offers!) N ~$20
Assassin's Creed Revelations N 3 keys
AXYOS (x2) Y Taking Offers
Castle of Illusion (REMOVED!) Offers
Contraption Maker
Critical Mass N 3 ref
Dinosaur Hunt
Dinosaur Hunt - Vampires, Gargoyles, Mutants Hunter Expansion Pack
Dinosaur Hunt - Giant Spiders Hunter Expansion Pack
Dinosaur Hunt - Guns Expansion Pack
Dinosaur Hunt - Stegosaurus Expansion Pack
Dinosaur Hunt - Wild West Guns Expansion Pack
Dinosaur Hunt - WW2 War Expansion Pack
Down to One N 2 sacks
Face It: A Game to Fight Inner Demons
Galactic Hitman
Guardians of Orion (x2) Y 1 key
Gun Monkeys Y 2 ref
Insaniquarium Deluxe N 1 key
Madness Cubed
ORION: Prelude (x3) Y 1 sack
ORION (x2)
PixelJunk Eden Y 6 ref
Port Royale 2 N 3 sacks
POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost DLC N 1 key
Quantum Conundrum: Season Pass (Base Game + 2 DLCs: Desmond Debacle & IKE-aramba!] N 2.5 keys
Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum N 1.5 keys
Rambo The Video Game: Baker Team
Rochard: Hard Times DLC N 1 TOD
RollerCoaster Tycoon®: Deluxe N 1.5 keys
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum N 3 keys
Save Jesus
Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 Y 2.5 keys
Shipwreck 1.5 keys
Soul Gambler: Artbook & Soundtrack DLC N 3 ref
Space Farmers (SEA-Region?) Y 2 ref
STAR WARS Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith N 1 key
STAR WARS™: Rogue Squadron 3D
Super Win the Game Y 1 sack
Survival: Postapocalypse Now N 1 key
Survival Zombies The Inverted Evolution
The District Y (may keep)
The Falling Sun
The Howler Y 4 ref
To Be or Not To Be Y 1.5 keys
Tracks of Triumph: Summertime

Bundle Games / Steam Keys / Gift Links Cards? Want [1 key = $1.95; 18 ref; 55 cards] [1 ref = 3 cards; $0.15 Steam Wallet; $0.10 PayPal] [1 TOD = 1.5 Sacks of Gems; 9 ref]
10 Years After N 1 Sack
16bit Trader Y 2 ref
1953 KGB Unleashed N 3 ref
3D Realms Anthology (REMOVED!) N 6 keys
500 Years Act 1 Y 5 ref
8BitBoy N 4 ref
Absconding Zatwor Y 2 ref
Ace Founder Pack DLC N 2 ref
Ace Patrol Y 4 ref
Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies (x2) Y 4 ref
Aces Wild N 1 TOD
Adventures of Shuggy (x3) N 3 ref
After the End N 4 ref
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition (REMOVED!) (x2) Y 1.5 keys
Airline Tycoon 2 N 6 ref
Airport Madness 4 N 4 ref
Airport Madness: Time Machine N 4 ref
Alien Spidy N 3 ref
Alpha Prime N 4 ref
Alter World Y 4 ref
Amerzone N 2 ref
Ampu-Tea Y 6 ref
Analogue: A Hate Story N Offers
Ant War: Domination N 4 ref
Arma 2 N 3 Sacks
Aura: Fate of the Ages N 4 ref
A Valley Without Wind 1 + 2 (x2) Y 1 Sack
Avencast: Rise of the Mage N 3 ref
Aztaka (x2) N 4 ref
Bad Rats: THE RATS' REVENGE Y 3 ref
Battlepaths Y 4 ref
Ben There, Dan That Double Pack
Bionic Dues Y 4 ref
Bit.TRIP Presents... Runner2 Y 1 TOD
BlackSoul (x2) N 3 ref
BlackSoul: Extended Edition N 4 ref
Blaster Shooter Gun Guy Y 2 ref
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Y 3 Sacks
Block N Load Y 3 ref
Block Story (will have to hunt this down) N 4 ref
Blood of Old (x2) Y 2 ref
Borealis Y 4 ref
BoxesWithGuns N 3 ref
Break Into Zatwor Y 2 ref
Bridge Constructor Medieval N 4 ref
Bridge It Plus N 1 TOD
Brilliant Bob (x2) Y 2 ref
Brutal Legend (x2, maybe only x1) Y 1.5 keys
Burgers Y 3 ref
Castle of Illusion (REMOVED!) Offers
C-RUSH N 5 ref
Canyon Capers Y 4 ref
Capsized N 3 ref
Cargo 3 N 3 ref
Carrie's Order Up!
Chernobyl Commando N 3 ref
Chess The Gathering Beta Key N 2 ref
Chompy Chomp Chomp Y 4 ref
Closure (from Humble Weekly Sale)
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller Episode 2 Y 1 TOD
Cold Contract N 2 keys
Coldfire Keep N 4 ref
Collisions Y 4 ref
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (x3) N 1 key
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator
Critical Mass N 3 ref
Crunch Time (x2) N 3 ref
Cubetractor N 4 ref
Cult of the Wind N 2 ref
Dark Scavenger (let me hunt it) Y 4 ref
Darkest Hour N 3 ref
Darkout N 6 ref
Data Hacker: Initiation N 3 ref
Deadlight Y 3 Sacks
Dead Space 2 N 1 key
Dead State: Reanimated Offers
Defenders of the Last Colony Offers
Depths of Peril (x2) N 4 ref
Doodle God Y 4 ref
Dollar Dash (REMOVED!) N 2 keys
Downpour Y 5 ref
Dreaming Sarah Y 5 ref
Driftmoon N 5 ref
Earth 2150: Lost Souls (maybe used, will go first!)
Earth 2160 Y 4 ref
East India Company Gold N (offer)
Egyptian Senet N 3 ref
Elves Adventure Offers
Enemy Mind Y 2 ref
eXceed - Gun Bullet Children (x2) (let me check it first) Y 1 key
Fake Colours N 4 ref
F.E.A.R. 2 N 1 key
F.E.A.R. 3 N 1 key
Fearless Fantasy N 3 ref
Final Fantasy IV Y 4 keys (may keep)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Y 4 keys (may keep)
Fish Fillets 2 N 3 ref
Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction 2 Sacks
Frayed Knights N 1 TOD
Freedom Force
Gaben: The Final Decision Y 2 ref
Galactic Arms Race Y 4 ref
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition (x2) N 6 ref
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD (x2) N 3 ref
Gardenarium N 4 ref
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare N 1 TOD
Go Away, There's Kumis Over There!
Gods Vs Humans N 2 ref
GON' E-CHOO Y 4 ref
Goo Cubelets Y 2 ref
Gorky 17 N 3 ref
Grand Theft Auto IV GTA (NOT a Bundle Game!) N 2 keys
Gratuitous Tank Battles Multiplayer Key N 1 card
Great Permutator Y 5 ref
Grotesque Tactics (x2) N 4 ref
Grotesque Tactics 2 N 4 ref
Guncraft Y 6 ref
Gun Metal Y 4 ref
Hacker Evolution
Hacker Evolution Duality Inception Part 1 DLC N 2 ref
Hacker Evolution Duality Inception Part 2 DLC N 2 ref
Hacker Evolution Duality Inception Part 3 DLC N 2 ref
Hacker Evolution Hardcore Package 1 DLC N 2 ref
Haegemonia: Legions of Iron N 2 ref
Hammerfight N 3 ref
Hero of the Kingdom Y 4 ref
High Strangeness 2 Sacks
Humanity Asset Y 4 ref
Huntsman: The Orphanage Halloween Edition (x3) N 3 ref
Hyper Fighters N 4 ref
Ion Assault (REMOVED!) Y 2 keys
Imagine Me Beta N 2 ref
Imagine Me (from IG Last Dream Bundle) Y 4 ref
IMF Handball Challenge 12 N 3 ref
Impire N 1 TOD
Incitement 3 (x2) Y 4 ref
Indie Game Battle N 2 ref
Inescapable N 3 ref
Infra Y Offers
Inside the Gear Y 4 ref
Ionball 2 N 2 ref
Iron Grip: Marauders (in-game credits) N 3 cards
Iron Grip: Warlord N 3 ref
Isomer N 1 TOD
Jet Gunner Y 4 ref
Journey Down: Chapter 1 (x3) Y 4 ref
Journey of a Roach Y 1 TOD
Just Cause 1 N 6 ref
KAMI N 4 ref
Kholat Offers
Kill Fun Yeah (let me find it first) N 4 ref
Kimulator: Kim Jung Un Simulator Offers
Kingdom Elemental N 3 ref
Knightshift N 2 ref
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition (x3) Y 6 ref
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise N 3 ref
Legend of Grimrock 3 Sacks
Litil Divil 2 ref
Love Y 4 ref
Low Light Combat (DRM-free) N 2 ref
Luna Shattered Hearts Episode 1 Y 4 ref
Magicka Wizard Wars Alpha Code N 2 ref
Magicka Wizard Wars + Holy Knights Robe DLC N 5 ref
Major Mayhem Y 3 ref
Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY N 1 Sack
Men of War: Red Tide N 1 TOD
Metal Planet N 3 ref
Metro 2033 + Risen + Sacred Citadel Y 1.5 keys
Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini N 3 ref
Mighty Quest for Epic Loot (in-game items) N 2 ref
Mini Motor Racing EVO Y 4 ref
Mirror's Edge N 1.5 keys
Muffin Knight N 3 ref
Murder Miners N 2 ref
Natural Selection 2 Y 2 keys
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Y 3 ref
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi (x2) Y 3 ref
Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy N 2 ref
OlliOlli 1 Sack
Onlive 7 Day Trial N 1 card
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising 1 Sack
Operation KREEP 1 Sack
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf N 2 ref
Overlord 4 ref
Out of the Park Baseball 2014 (REMOVED!) N 3 keys
Painkiller: Overdose N 5 ref
Painkiller: Recurring Evil (x2) N 5 ref
Painkiller: Redemption (x2) N 5 ref
Particula Y 1 ref
Party of Sin Y 4 ref
Paradigm Shift N 3 ref
Patricians and Merchants (x2) (REMOVED!) N Offers
Penguin's Arena: Sedna's World Y 3 ref
Pester (x3) Y 4 ref
Phoenix Force Y 4 ref
Pirates of Black Cove N (offer)
Pixel Puzzles Japan Y 3 ref
Pixel Star N 3 ref
Planet Stronghold - Deluxe DLC (x3) N 3 ref
Planetary Annihilation Offers
Planets Under Attack N 3 ref
Poker Night 2 N 3 Sacks
Porradaria 2: Pagode of the Night (x2) Y Offers
Post Mortem (x3) N 3 ref
Postmortem: One Must Die Extended Scythe Edition (x2) N 3 ref
Power-Up Y 3 ref
Predator Simulator N 3 ref
Pressure Y 3 ref
Project Aftermath N 1 TOD
Project Highrise
Project Night (x3) (to be removed from Steam) Y 1.5 keys
Pulut Adventure N 4 ref
Qualia 3: Multi Agent N 4 ref
Quest for Infamy Y 4 ref
QuestRun (x2) Y 3 ref
Racer 8 Y 2 ref
Rage Runner Y 4 ref
Ravaged: Zombie Apocalypse (need to hunt them down) (x2) Y 1 TOD
Recursion Deluxe N 1 Sack
Redemption: Eternal Quest (x3) N 4 ref
Reversion: The Meeting Y 4 ref
Rhino 2 6 ref
Rhythm Destruction (x2) Y 4 ref
RIP Trilogy N 3 ref
Rise of the Ancients (x2) Offers
Risen + Sacred Citadel + Metro 2033 Y 1.5 keys
Robin Hood N 2 ref
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken N 3 ref
RPG Maker DLC Bundle #1 (x2, except for x1 Adventurer's Journey) N 5 ref
Rush Delta Z (let me find it first) N 2 ref
Sacraboar (x3) N 3 ref
Sacred Citadel + Metro 2033 + Risen Y 1.5 keys
Savage: The Shard of Gosen (Alpha Game)
Savage Lands Offers
Scratches (REMOVED!) N 2 keys
Secret of the Magic Crystals Complete Y 4 ref
Siege of Inaolia N 4 ref
Sinister City Y 4 ref
Spheroid Offers
S.O.R.S. 6 ref (may keep)
Soulbringer N 3 ref
StarFence N 4 ref
Starwalker N 4 ref
Star Wolves 3: Civil War Y 4 ref
Steel & Steam (x2) N 3 ref
Still Life N 4 ref
Stranded in Time N 2 Sacks
Strategic War in Europe Y 4 ref
Street Racing Syndicate Y 2 ref
Subject 9 (will need to hunt it down) N 6 ref
Summoner N 4 ref
Superfight beta (x3) Y Offers
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance + Red Faction: Armageddon N 3 Sacks
Surgeon Simulator 2013 Y 1 key
Survivor Squad (x2) Y 4 ref
Sweet Lily Dreams (x2) Y 4 ref
Syberia (x2) Y 4 ref
Tales from the Dragon Mountain: The Strix N 4 ref
Take on Helicopters N 1 TOD
Tank Universal N 3 ref
Tea Party Simulator 2015 Y 2 ref
The 7th Guest N 3 ref
The Baconing (may not have this, just ask) N 1 key
The Body Changer (x2) Y 5 ref
The Chaos Engine (x2) Y 4 ref
The Desolate Hope N 4 ref
The Escapists - Alcatraz N 3 ref
The Few Y 4 ref
The Howler N 3 ref
The Ingenious Machine N 4 ref
The Note 2 ref
The Samaritan Paradox Y 4 ref
The Showdown Effect (x2) Y 4 ref
The Sun at Night Y 4 ref
The Tower N 3 ref
The Whispered World Y 1 TOD
ThreadSpace: Hyperbol N 3 ref
Tiamat X Y 4 ref
Ticket to Ride USA 1910 DLC N 4 ref
Tidalis (x2) N 4 ref
Time Gentlemen, Please! + Ben There, Dan That! N 2 ref
To the Moon Y 3 Sacks
Tomb Raider I N 5 ref
Tomb Raider II N 5 ref
Tomb Raider III N 5 ref
Toki Tori 2+ (need to hunt it down) Y 6 ref
Tower of Guns (x2) Y 3 Sacks
Tower Wars Y 4 ref
Trainz Simulator 12 (x3) N 1 TOD
Trainz Simulator 12 - Aerotrain DLC N 4 ref
Trainz Simulator 12 - Coronation Scot DLC (x3) N 4 ref
Transcripted (REMOVED!) N 2.5 keys
Trauma N 4 ref
Truck Driver (need to figure out what this is exactly...) N 5 ref
Turba (x2) N 3 ref
Twin Sector N 3 Sacks
Two Brothers N 3 ref
Two Worlds II - Castle Defense N 4 ref
Type:Rider Y 4 ref
UFO: Afterlight N 4 ref
Unhack (x2) Y 4 ref
Unknown Battle Offers
US and THEM N 3 ref
Vampire of the Sands N 2 sacks
Vangers N 4 ref
Vanguard Princess (need time to hunt this down somewhere...) Y 1 key
Vegas: Make it Big N 3 ref
Velvet Assassin N 3 ref
Victim of Xen Y 4 ref
Vigil: Blood Bitterness (REMOVED!) (may not work; I will go first) N 2 keys
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage Y 5 ref
Vox Y 5 ref
War of the Human Tanks Y 4 ref
War of the Roses: Kingmaker DLC Y 5 ref
Wasteland Angel N 3 ref
Why So Evil Y 2 ref
Why So Evil 2 Y 2 ref
Wickland Y 5 ref
Wimp: Who Stole My Pants? Y 3 ref
Woodle Tree Adventures (x2) Y 2 ref
Wooden Floor N 4 ref
World War 2: Time of Wrath N 4 ref
Worms Pinball N 3 ref
X-Blades (x2) Y 2 ref
XCOM: Apocalypse N 3 ref
XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Ace Patrol Bundle, and Civilization III (all keys together) Y, N 2 keys
XCOM: Enforcer N 3 ref
XCOM: Interceptor N 3 ref
XCOM: Terror from the Deep N 3 ref
XCOM: UFO Defense N 3 ref
XNemesis SandBox Offers
Yosumin N 3 ref
You Are Not a Banana N 5 ref
Yumsters 2: Around the World N 3 ref
Zenbound 2 3 ref

| Humble Noodlecake Mobile|TBA|
| Humble Crescent Moon Bundle|TBA|
| Humble Mo-boo!-ile Bundle|TBA|
| Humble Mobile Bundle 2 (x3)|Star Command, Time Surfer, Punch Quest, Bloons TD 5 (Steam version games not included)|
| Humble Bundle with Android 7 non-BTA (x3, x1 is missing Ticket to Ride and the DLC)|Ticket to Ride, Ticket to Ride 1910 USA DLC, Greed Corp, Incredipede, Anodyne|
| Humble Mobile Bundle 3|TBA|

Desura Keys Want [1 ref = 3 cards; $.10 PayPal] [1 Sack of Gems Bag = 5 ref]
See list below! From 1 card each!

Origin Keys Want [1 key = $1.95; 16 ref; 55 cards] [1 ref = 3 cards; $0.15 Steam Wallet; $0.10 PayPal] [1 TOD = 1.5 Sacks of Gems; 9 ref]
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box (x4) 3 Sacks
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (x3) 3 Sacks
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (x4) 1 key
Dead Space (x4) 1 key
Medal of Honor (x4) 3 Sacks
Mirror's Edge (x3) 1 key
Populous (x2) 3 Sacks

I want...

I generally prefer to trade bundled games for ref, cards, keys, or other bundled games. Some of the games below haven't been bundled, but I'd still be on the lookout for them, if you'd like to make an offer.

  • 60 Seconds!
  • Aces Wild
  • A Hat in Time
  • Actual Sunlight
  • Age of Empires III: Complete Edition
  • Airscape: The Fall of Gravity
  • Angry Birds Space
  • Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
  • Apotheon
  • ARK: Survival Evolved
  • Aviary Attorney
  • Beach Resort Simulator
  • Better Late Than DEAD
  • Black Mesa
  • BloodLust Shadowhunter
  • Boot Hill Heroes
  • Buff Knight Advanced
  • Castle in the Darkness
  • CAT Interstellar
  • Cinderella Escape! R12
  • Cities Skylines
  • Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal
  • CrossCode
  • Dead in Bermuda
  • Dead State Reanimated
  • Devil May Cry DMC
  • Double Dragon Trilogy
  • Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
  • Dungeon Highway
  • Dungeon Souls
  • Empire TV Tycoon
  • Fat Chicken
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Flame Over
  • Foul Play
  • From the Depths
  • Gear Up
  • Grand Class Melee 2
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • I Shall Remain
  • Infectionator: Survivors
  • Iron Fisticle
  • LEGO Worlds
  • Mad Games Tycoon
  • Maize
  • Mars 2030
  • Mega Coin Squad
  • Mini Metro
  • Miscreated
  • Nom Nom Galaxy
  • Out of Reach
  • PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+
  • Paint the Town Red
  • Plague
  • Please Don't Touch Anything
  • Poi
  • Poly Bridge
  • Portal Knights
  • Qora
  • Remember Me
  • Renowned Explorers: International Society
  • Replay VHS Is Not Dead
  • Road Redemption
  • Rocketsrocketsrockets
  • Rogue Legacy
  • SEASON OF MYSTERY: The Cherry Blossom Murders
  • Sheltered
  • Snapshot
  • STAR WARS Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
  • Stardew Valley
  • Steam Marines
  • Stick 'Em Up 2
  • Stranded Deep
  • Subnautica
  • Super Amazing Wagon Adventure
  • Taimumari
  • TerraTech
  • The Indie Mixtape
  • The Story Goes On
  • The Typing of the Dead: Overkill
  • Toren
  • Turbo Dismount
  • Vicky Saves the Big Dumb World
  • Who's That Flying?!
  • Who's Your Daddy
  • Windward
  • World of Diving
  • PayPal
  • Refined Metal (Ref)
  • Cards
  • Tour of Duty Tickets (TOD)
  • TF2 Mann Co. Keys
  • CS:GO Keys
  • Sack of Gems
  • Game Offers
  • Smiles All Around
  • Livestock
  • Fruit Baskets
  • Textiles

I do accept PayPal, and as usual if paying by PayPal, the buyer pays any fees and must write the following note: "This payment is for a digital item I have received, and I will not initiate a charge-back."

I sell TF2 keys at $1.93 each! CS:GO keys at $2.10 each!


Games removed from Steam! They still activate, download, and are fully playable, but you are not able to buy these games on Steam anymore!

Removed from Steam Cards? Want [1 key = $1.95; 16 ref; 55 cards] [1 ref = 3 cards; $0.15 Steam Wallet; $0.10 PayPal] [1 Sack of Gems Bag = 5 ref] [1 TOD = 1.5 Sacks of Gems; 9 ref]
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition (REMOVED!) (x2) Y 1.5 keys
Ion Assault (REMOVED!) Y 2 keys
Out of the Park Baseball 2014 (REMOVED!) N 2 keys
Scratches (REMOVED!) N 2 keys
Transcripted (REMOVED!) N 2.5 keys
Vigil: Blood Bitterness (REMOVED!) (may not work; I will go first) N 2 keys


The following keys are for ALL of the Desura games in the bundle!

Desura Games (in one key!) Want (1 ref = 3 cards; $.10 PayPal) (1 TOD = 1.5 Sacks of Gems; 9 ref)
Bundle in a Box 1 TOD
Flying Bundle Welcome 1 TOD
Flying Bundle 5 (used Gish!) 1 TOD
Indie Chick Gamer (48 Chambers, Antipole, Chester, EvilQuest, LaserCat, Little Racers Street, Orbitron: Revolution, Smooth Operators, SpyLeaks) 1 TOD
Indie Royale Birthday 1 TOD
Indie Royale Debut 4 1 TOD
Indie Royale Debut 6 1 TOD
Indie Royale Debut 7 1 TOD
Indie Royale Debut 10 1 TOD
Indie Royale Debut 18 1 TOD
Indie Royale Halloween Bundle 2 1 TOD
Indie Royale Mystery Bundle 1 TOD
Indie Royale Mystery Bundle 2 1 TOD

The following keys are all for individual DESURA games! They sometimes unlock Steam keys once activated on Desura!

Desura Games Want [1 ref = 3 cards; $.10 PayPal] [1 Sack of Gems Bag = 5 ref] [1 TOD = 1.5 Sacks of Gems; 9 ref]
1Quest (x3) 2 cards
100% Orange Juice 5 ref
12 Labours of Hercules 2 cards
6180 The Moon Deluxe 2 cards
8 Bit Commando (x3) 2 cards
99 Levels to Hell 2 cards
Abomination Tower 4 cards
Adventures of Shuggy 1 card
Air Control 1 TOD
Airship Dragoon 2 cards
Alchemy Mysteries 2 cards
Alchemy Mysteries: Prague Legends (x2) 2 cards
Ampu-Tea 4 cards
Another Perspective 5 cards
Armed Seven 2 cards
ASA: A Space Adventure 2 cards
Astraea 2 cards
Astro Emporia 4 cards
Astroloco: Worst Contact 4 cards
Attractio 20 cards
Audio Venture 2 cards
Aztaka 2 cards
Banzai Pecan 3 cards
Basket Belle 2 ref
Battlepaths (x2) 2 cards
Beep 2 cards
"Beware Planet Earth!" 2 ref
Bientot L'ete 2 ref
BigHead Bash: In-Game Content Pack 1 card
Blacksoul (x4) 2 cards
BlindSide 2 cards
Blue Rose 1 ref
Bob Came in Pieces 2 cards
Bollywood Wannabe 3 ref
Blob from Space 2 cards
Block Story 2 cards
Bloody Streets 3 cards
Bloop 2 cards
Bomb the Monsters 2 cards
Boss Wave 2 ref
BoxesWithGuns 2 cards
Bridge It 2 ref
Bullet Candy Perfect 2 ref
cAFE 0 The Drowned Mermaid DELUXE 3 cards
Catmouth Island: Episode 1 2 cards
Chernobyl Commando 2 cards
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club (x2) 2 ref
Chester (x3) 2 cards
Chompy Chomp Chomp (x3) 2 cards
Cloudphobia 2 cards
Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman (x3) 5 cards
Cognition Episode 2: The Wise Monkey (x3) 5 cards
Cold Contract 2 cards
Croixleur 3 ref
Crunch Time! (x2) 2 cards
Cubicity 2 cards
Dale Hardshovel HD 2 cards
Data Hacker: Corruption (x2) 2 cards
Data Hacker Initiation 2 cards
Deity Quest 3 cards
Diadra Empty 2 cards
Domestic Dog 2 ref
Doom & Destiny (x5) 2 cards
Downhill OMG 2 2 cards
Downpour 3 cards
Dr. Bulbaceous 3 cards
Drive to Hell 3 cards
Dungeon of Gain 3 cards
Dungeon Fray 3 cards
Dungeon Lurk 2 cards
Dungeon Prospector 3 cards
dUpLicity: Beyond the Lies 3 cards
Escape Goat 2 ref
Ether Vapor Remaster (x6) 2 cards
Eryi's Action (x8) 2 cards
Evy: Magic Spheres (x2) 2 cards
Final Dusk 4 cards
Fjong 3 cards
Fleet Buster 2 cards
Floors of Discomfort 3 cards
Frayed Knights 2 ref
Full Bore 3 cards
Glow Ball the Billiard Puzzle 2 cards
Grand Class Melee 2 5 cards
Great Permutator 5 cards
Hack, Slash, Loot (x3) 2 cards
Hackwork 3 cards
Heroes of a Broken Land 3 cards
Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead (x2) 2 cards
Hypersonic 4 2 cards
Hyper Gauntlet 3 cards
Ice Cream Surfer 3 cards
In Between 3 cards
Instant Dungeon! 4 cards
International Snooker 2 cards
Into the Gloom 2 cards
Irukandji 4 cards
Jazz, Trump's Journey 2 cards
Kamui 3 cards
King Arthur's Gold 5 ref
Knytt Underground 5 cards
Koya Rift 5 cards
Krunch 3 cards
Laxius Force 2 cards
Luna Shattered Hearts Episode 1 (x2) 2 cards
Luna's Wandering Stars 2 cards
Lylian: Paranoid Friendship 1 ref
Magical Gloves 2 ref
Magicians and Looters 5 cards
Magic Meisters Alpha 2 cards
Memories of a Vagabond 2 cards
Metal Planet 2 cards
Micy Roll 2 cards
Millennium (x2) 3 cards
Mind Dead 3 cards
Miner Warfare (x5) 2 cards
Noir Syndrome 3 cards
Noire (x2) 3 cards
Oknytt 4 cards
One Day for Ched 2 cards
Oniken (x5) 2 cards
Pahelika: Revelations 2 cards
Paper Dungeons 6 cards
Paradigm Shift 3 cards
Particulars (x2) 3 cards
Pester (x6) 3 cards
Pirates of Black Cove 2 cards
Pixel Star 2 cards
Plith (x2) 3 cards
Phoenix Force 3 cards
POP: Methodology Experiment 1 5 cards
Postmortem: One Must Die Extended Scythe Edition (x4) 2 cards
Power-Up (x2) 2 cards
Prelogate 4 cards
Pressured 2 cards
Project Night 2 cards
Pulse Shift 4 cards
QuestRun 1 card
Rac and Ren 2 cards
Race for the Whitehouse (x2) 2 cards
Radical Heroes (x2) 2 cards
Railyard Match-3 Evolved 2 cards
RefleX (x8) 2 cards
Retention 4 cards
Reversion: The Meeting (x2) 5 cards
Rise of the Ravager 4 cards
Sam Glyph: Private Eye 5 cards
Samphi 5 cards
SanctuaryRPG (x2) 3 cards
Saturday Morning RPG 2 cards
SBX: Invasion 2 cards
Siege of Inaolia 5 cards
Siege of the Necromancer 4 cards
Siege Wars 2 cards
Signal Ops 2 ref
Sinister City (x2) 2 cards
Smash Cat 6 cards
S.O.R.S. 6 cards
Social Justice Warriors 5 cards
Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath 4 cards
Soul Gambler 2 cards
Spice Road 3 cards
Splatter (x3) 2 cards
Stingray 5 cards
Suguri Collection 5 ref
Super Cyborg 2 cards
Super Panda Adventures (x3) 3 cards
Survivor Squad (x4) 2 cards
Sword of the Stars: The Pit 6 cards
Tallowmere 5 cards
Teddy Floppy Ear - Kayaking 6 cards
Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure 6 cards
Teddy Floppy Ear - The Race 6 cards
Telepath RPG 5 cards
The Atypical RPG 5 cards
The Few 4 cards
The Ingenious Machine 4 cards
Three Dead Zed (x2) 2 cards
Three Fourths Home 4 cards
Tiamat X (x2) 4 cards
Tower of Guns 2 ref
Tower Wars 2 cards
Towers of Altrac: Epic Defense Battles 2 cards
Trace Vector 3 cards
Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge (x2) 2 cards
Undead Legions (x4) 2 cards
Unemployment Quest 1 ref
Unhack (x2) 3 cards
Virus Jigglin' Fever 3 cards
Vox (x2) 2 cards
War of the Human Tanks 2 cards
Wisps: The Redeeming 3 cards
Wooden Floor 4 cards
Woodle Tree Adventures 1 card
World War 2: Time of Wrath 2 cards
Xenominer 2 cards
Yrminsul 2 cards
Yury 2 cards


PayPal, TF2 / CS:GO keys, game offers, cards, refined metal, sack of gems, whatever!

1 decade ago*

stalker shadow of chernobyl for fallout new vegas ue?

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm not too interested in that particular game.

1 decade ago

Do you happen to have anything else for trade? I can't see your inventory on Steam, so just checking.

1 decade ago

terraria, deus ex hr, rome total war, sandbox universe

1 decade ago

I added you earlier. Please accept.

1 decade ago

Do you have a thread or a viewable inventory? Just curious what you happen to have available at the moment.

1 decade ago

Steam keys I have:

  • Fractal
  • Edge/anomaly/osmos
  • Gish
  • Towns

Tradable gifts I have:

  • Poker Night 2
  • Terraria

Interested in the following:

Steam gifts:

  • To The Moon
  • Civilization III

Steam keys:

  • eXceed - Gun Bullet Children
  • eXceed 2nd - Vampire REX
  • eXceed 3rd - Jade Penetrate Black Package
  • Shattered Horizon

I'd like to discuss the options with you soon.

1 decade ago

sorry to ninja ! but I would wish to trade my shattered horizon with u for poker night 2 or aquaria :)

1 decade ago

Hello, and thanks for writing everything out like this. I think I'd be interested in your Poker Night 2 or Terraria, but not necessarily together, though. Care to make some kind of offer for one or the other of those for some of the things you wanted from my list?

1 decade ago

Poker Night 2 for To The Moon + eXceed(s)?

1 decade ago

Nope, not that interested, sorry.

1 decade ago

What about just for To The Moon?

1 decade ago

I replied to you from your referral in the other thread. I am interested in some of your games. I added you to talk. I will link my thread below for your reference.


1 decade ago

They Bleed pixels for mcpixel?

1 decade ago

Sorry, I already have it.

1 decade ago

Added you in response to my thread.

1 decade ago

Bad company 2 for torchlight 2?

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offer, but I actually already have it.

1 decade ago

Hi I'm interested in a couple keys: Disciples III: Renaissance, Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition, Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers, Shattered Horizon, Alien Hallway, Restaurant Empire 2. Can you check my list if there's anything interesting to you.

1 decade ago

Thanks for dropping by. I checked your list, and what stands out to me now are the 3 older Tomb Raider games. Care to make some kind of offer somehow involving any those games?

1 decade ago

Hmm, I could offer tomb raider anniversary or underworld for (Disciples III: Renaissance, Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition, Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers, Shattered Horizon)

1 decade ago

would you trade deus ex hr, torchlight 2, or fallout new vegas for tomb raider underworld?

1 decade ago

Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'd trade those for Underworld.

1 decade ago

no worries. figured it was a tad low but was really only things that caught my interest. thanks for reply and gl

1 decade ago

My Nightsky for your Restaurant Empire 2?

1 decade ago

Hello, is it a key?

1 decade ago

Yes, it is. If that's a problem I'd be happy to go first.

1 decade ago

Rotastic for eXceed?

1 decade ago

I may be getting Rotastic in other trades, so sorry, but I have to pass on this.

1 decade ago

What about EDGE?

1 decade ago

Sorry for not getting back, but I'd have to pass.

1 decade ago

Added to discuss.

1 decade ago

Your 3 Tomb Raider cards for Just Cause gift?

1 decade ago

Sorry, I actually put those up on the market to just sell them off.

1 decade ago

Just Cause 1 for your Dead Pixels?

1 decade ago

Sorry, actually think I'm trading for that game already on another trade.

1 decade ago

Alrighty-o. Good luck with the trade! :)

1 decade ago

Deus Ex for Darksiders key + Torchlight gog.com key?

1 decade ago

I'm a little interested in Darksiders, but I don't use gog.com keys. Do you happen to have something else?

1 decade ago

I have Summer sale cards and some other game card if you like.
I got some DRM free links from bundles like Serious Sam, if you like I can check them out for you. :)

1 decade ago

Anything interests you?

1 decade ago

Sorry, but I don't think there's anything. I'll also pass on Darksiders, even though that looks pretty nice. Thanks though.

1 decade ago

Btw Tomb Raider card for any Summer card or other card from my inventory? (except portal and skyrim)

1 decade ago

I think I'm fresh out of TR cards, sorry.

1 decade ago

Paypal or anything here http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/rCCqw/h-indie-games-bundle-leftovers-w-offers-indie-games for To The Moon and Time Gentlemen Please?

1 decade ago

I looked through, but there's nothing all that appealing to me right now, sorry.

1 decade ago

Any interest in Death to Spies: Moment of Truth steam key and Death Track: Resurrection steam key?
I can trade them in

1 decade ago

Hello, it would depend on what you were hoping to trade one (or both) for. I can pick up the former for about 50 cents now, so it would need to be around that value to be worthwhile. Let me know what--if anything--strikes your fancy!

1 decade ago

both for shank 2

1 decade ago

Sorry, but I have to pass on this.

1 decade ago

Anything here for Zeno Clash?

1 decade ago

Sorry, but there's actually nothing there that grabs my attention at the moment.

1 decade ago

Nightsky for Grotesque Tactics? Added to discuss.

1 decade ago

Possibly... still interested? I will be at work now but could contact you later tonight (on Korean time, FYI.)

1 decade ago

Yes, added you.

1 decade ago

Interested in trading cards?

1 decade ago

Possibly, but what interests you here?

1 decade ago

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers, Galaxy on Fire 2, Painkiller: Recurring Evil

1 decade ago

Sorry, just noticed your reply. Got any offers for one or all of these keys?

1 decade ago

12 cards for all?

1 decade ago

The Ship (gift) for your Retro City Rampage?

1 decade ago

Too low for me, sorry.

1 decade ago

I have been messaging you on steam. Can't get a response from you for some reason.

1 decade ago

EDIT: Was running between PC, kitchen, bathroom, and everywhere in between. Completed trade though!

1 decade ago

My Worms Revolution for your Fallout NV ?

1 decade ago

Sorry, not interested in the game.

1 decade ago

I'm interested in Afterfall, Zeno Clash and the eXceed games. Are you interested in trading any of those for something here?

1 decade ago

Sorry, nothing really catching my fancy at the moment.

1 decade ago

Hey I was wondering if I could trade Zeno clash and/or Just cause 1 for Fallout NV?

1 decade ago

Maybe, but just not with me. But seriously, sorry, I actually traded for both of those earlier today.

1 decade ago

serious sam 2 for anything (lets say painkiller or torchlight)

1 decade ago

Hello, which Painkiller? I may be interested, but do you have a thread or any other games?

1 decade ago

the newer one.. so the would be recuring evil i guess.... at the moment i have just serious sam2 but could get serious sam3 soon

1 decade ago

I'd be interested in Serious Sam 3, but kind of only slightly interested, to be honest. You said you were interested in Painkiller Recurring Evil? Would you want to trade for that? If not, no problem.

1 decade ago

na.. the secound part for painkiller.

1 decade ago

Oh sorry, didn't see this reply here. But I'll think about it for SS2.

1 decade ago

And is this for coupons or Steam keys? I noticed you had coupons in your inventory, so wanted to check. Thanks!

1 decade ago

nono serious sam 2 is gonna be the game. i just buy it from the coupon and trade the game with you

1 decade ago

Hi, I'm interested in the following titles:

  • Alien Shooter Revisited
  • Dead Horde
  • Grotesque Tactics 2
  • Iron Grip Warlord
  • Weird Worlds: Retun to Inifinite Space
  • Two Worlds II - Castle Defense
  • X-Blades

My trade list at the moment: here

Any of those items catch your fancy?

1 decade ago

I'm looking through the list but have to go to sleep now (on Korea time.) I'll let you know tomorrow for sure.

1 decade ago

Your thread is now closed. Is there a new one?

1 decade ago

I accidently hit close instead of edit on that thread. I've recreated it here

1 decade ago

I only just now saw this reply, but I'll look through your thread.

1 decade ago

With a quick run-through, games like Bit.Trip Runner, Offspring Fling, and The Maw stand out. There may be others, too.

1 decade ago

I'm no longer interested in weird worlds at this point, but I would be willing to trade the 4 tiles you listed for alien shooter revisited, grotesque 2, two worlds castle defense, and x-blades.

1 decade ago

I only listed 3 games, but I would trade my Two World CD, X-Blades, and one of either Alien Shooter Revisited or Grotesque 2 for those 3 games. You can add me if you like, since I only just now saw this reply.

1 decade ago

Do you take TF2 keys or steam wallet?

1 decade ago

I'd say it would depend on what you're interested in, but I don't have too much use for those keys. It's possible though. Steam Wallet is also possible to buy up a game. Got any rough idea what you're interested in?

1 decade ago

Ah, I could do Steam Wallet and keys, yes.

1 decade ago

added to talk :P

1 decade ago

Hello, can you give me a rough idea what you're interested in, or a link to any thread you may have? I like to keep things straight before moving to Steam as much as possible. Thanks for the interest though!

1 decade ago

np :) well mainly looking for fallout nv

1 decade ago

anything for Stealth Bastard Deluxe - The Teleporter Chambers DLC ?

1 decade ago

Possibly, if I come across the original SBD game, but I don't have that yet. What interests you from the list?

1 decade ago

What would you be interested in for just that DLC?

1 decade ago

i have added you :) im interested in those gifts, i have a ton of indie keys.

1 decade ago

Hello, do you happen to have a link to your own thread? I was interested in SBD... what interests you on my list?

1 decade ago

Hello, have the -75% off faerie solitare coupon, expiring 1st Aug.
I'm willing to trade for cards, in order of preference,
FTL: Zoltan Cruiser
McPixel: Mcpixel, Space Shuttle 23
How many are you willing to trade?

1 decade ago

Well, I also have offers for the 90% coupons for that game with the same expiration date at a card or two (depending on the game), so I wouldn't go much higher than that, honestly. What do you think?

1 decade ago

have additional 2 couponds, -75% off Krater and Droid Assult. 3 coupons for 2 cards?

1 decade ago

Portal 2 and skyrim foil for fallout new vegas?

1 decade ago

Blades of Time Limited Edition for Torchlight 2?

1 decade ago

Possibly. I'll keep this in mind.

1 decade ago

Serious Sam HD : The First Encounter for Deus Ex ?

1 decade ago

No, sorry.

1 decade ago

interested in something HERE ?

i am interested in The Binding of Isaac, Summer Getaway and DLC Quest cards...

1 decade ago

Yes, actually. I'd be glad to trade away those cards. I'm idling in Binding and DLC Quest right now, so there will be about 4 more of those cards soon too. I'm only interested in the THQ games and NightSky, though. What do you think? I'll give a free bump to your thread to share the love.

1 decade ago

added to discuss

1 decade ago

Thanks for the trade!

1 decade ago

Portal 2 and Tf2 key for fallout new vegas ultimate?

1 decade ago

Sorry, not really interested in either of those now. Good game though.

1 decade ago

fallout new vegas ultimate ed for killing floor?

1 decade ago

Not interested in that game, sorry.

1 decade ago

I have Batman AC GOTY, interested in Fallout NE or an assortment of other games, preferable ones I dont have :)

1 decade ago

This could be possible. I'll get back to you.

1 decade ago

Adding you :)

1 decade ago

I could still do this if you like.

1 decade ago

Soz, its gone, I got ultrabundle for it, EPIC (free bump aswell)

1 decade ago

Oh, good work! I've actually never played that game but I could find it somewhere else, no problem.

1 decade ago

torchlight for 90% OFF Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter and maybe some of the trading cards i have in my inventory? http://steamcommunity.com/id/bencusack/inventory/#753

1 decade ago

Sorry, I wouldn't trade a game for a coupon. Only a little interested in the game since there are some coupons out there to make it cheap.

1 decade ago

L4D2 or Civ IV or Nazi Zombie Army
for Fallout NV?
Add me if you want any one of them.

1 decade ago

Sorry, don't think I'm interested in any of those.

1 decade ago

Saw you posting in a thread lately, so are you interested in either a 50% OFF Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army or 66% OFF Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity, both comes with free 10% OFF Toki Tori 2+!

1 decade ago

Thanks, but I don't think I would be at this time.

1 decade ago

Hey you commented on my trade to see if i was interested in anything of yours.

I'm looking for trading cards, what will you offer trading card wise for what I have?


1 decade ago

It's possible that I'd trade a card for the 90% coupons, but I'd have to let you know later. Thanks!

1 decade ago

If you are still interested in a 1:1 card/coupon swap, I think I could spring for that.

1 decade ago

Sounds good to me! Add me on steam same username we'll chat!

1 decade ago

interested in nuclear dawn(tradable) for 1x twoworlds two steam key

1 decade ago

portal 2 for fallout

1 decade ago

You have offered this 3 times now, and the offer seems to decrease every time. My "no" has been firm though. Not interested in the game, sorry.

1 decade ago

I just go through the forums and offer what I have I don't remember all of the ones I post in.

1 decade ago

[H] Witcher 2 (gift) [W] Fallout New Vegas + one of the following: Disciples III, Nuclear Dawn, Dungeons, Two Worlds II - Castle Defense

1 decade ago

Not that interested in it, sorry.

1 decade ago

Hey I responded to you on another thread about coupons for cards? Still interested?

1 decade ago

Thank you for reminding me with this message--I have a list of people who have added me, and have no idea what they're looking for. I added you. Could trade something sometime.

1 decade ago

added to discuss

1 decade ago

Hello, what are you interested in? Do you happen to have a thread?

1 decade ago

nah just noticed you were interested in 90% coupons on other threads. i have one for serious sam 2

1 decade ago

My Crayon Physics (key) for either Deus EX HR or To the Moon?

1 decade ago

Sorry, too low for me.

1 decade ago

My Chantelise for your To The Moon?

1 decade ago

I think I'll be getting that one in the Steam store myself, sorry.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.
New Bundles