Close anything for contagion?
Contagion è ancora disponibile?
Sto cercando di recuperarne 1 copia per giocarci coop con WInthorp :D
Al momento mi avanzano solo Tryst, DarkEnd e Planetary Annihilation, oppure ho un sacco di carte nell'inventario.
Fammi sapere :)
Hello anything here for your Contagion
All of these for Contagion and Men of War: Assault Squad ?
[H] Loren the Amazon Princess and Goodbye Deponia
[w] Citizens of Earth
Added to discuss Anything for Citizens of Earth? If not I can pay with Paypal/Steam Wallet also.
Sorry but another person was faster, your offer was good anyway. Anything I can offer you for patrician iv? any games here for citizens of earth and lup?
Anything here for citizens of earth?
Sorry, game gone. You had some interesting games however, let me know if you need something else
I'm interested in some of your codes:
The Dreamatorium of Dr. Magnus 2
Edit: Teslagrad
Citizens of Earth
I'd like to trade for all 3 or none if possible, since they're all form the same bundle.
Here's what I currently have:
Actually they are not from the same bundle. I have some pending trades, the only free one atm is Teslagraad.
The games I might want are hatred/steamalot/sea legends
Any of these for How To Survive?
Tiamat X
Devils Share
8-Bit Commando
Talisman: Prologue
Blaster Shooter GunGuy!
Any of these?
They Breathe
Zombie Zoeds
Stranded In Time
Hunting Unlimited 2010
Alter World
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren`s Call
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
Mind Snares: Alice's Journey
9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek
Left in the Dark: No One on Board
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood
Isaac the Adventurer
SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance
Gold Rush! Classic
Cyberpunk 3776
Time Mysteries: Inheritance - Remastered
Treeker: The Lost Glasses
Dementium II
Inside The Gear
Bit Dungeon II
Vintage Year
Rooms: The Main Building
Sinister City
Dark Arcana: The Carnival
Lost Civilization
Battleplan: American Civil War
Zeno Clash
Shadows: Price For Our Sins
Hi, anything low-tier for How To Survive? (if not, I'll buy it for myself for just 1$)
Thanks in advance!
Most interested in xenonauts. Can do also Star Trek or Lara Croft.
Don't know if they are BTA or not, your choice :)
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride for Mahjongg Investigations: Under Suspicion?
Turbo Pug FOR Orion: A Sci-fi Visual Novel?
Age of Fear: The Undead King FOR Hospital Tycoon?
Anything here for Uriel's Chasm
Hello, something from there : ?
hey fatality92! would you trade your Age of Fear: The Undead King for my worms? ;)
I have Pineview Drive and Abducted. The only game I don't have from your wishlist is Men of War: Assault Squad. Let me know if you'd like to trade.
I have a pending trade, if the other guys doesn't answer I will contact you :)
I have " Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel "
can you trade it for anything on my wishlist ?
Hello. Are you interested in trading "Haywire on Fuel Station Zeta" for "Crash Time 2"? Have a good day.
Interested in something in my thread for your Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Rhapsody Clash?
Italiano? Mi interesserebbe Jazzpunk, qui la mia piccola lista:
Si, purtroppo non hai nulla che giocherei. L'unico sarebbe stato hard reset ma l'ho vinto qui qualche giorno fa XD
Sorry removed LDSV from my list. I cn still consider other games if interested :)
You traded the games I was interested in lol
I could offer you 2 games for total war shogun... Otherwise I could give you a non-bta game for overlord RH
Wait is this how to survive third person standalone version because I'm looking just for how to survive the non bta
I was looking for the trilogy sorry :)
Can consider other games that are not listed
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Underworld
Tomb Raider Legend
The Walking dead - Season 2 (unbundled)
The Walking Dead - Season 1 + DLC 400 Days
Bundle games (post your list)
Cards (only high offers)
Marketable items
Will do easilly 1:1 if you have games I want, otherwise I will offer 1:2
Free to counter offer ;)